Chapter 7 ❋

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Monday rolled around and my intentions were to lay low. I gave Dinah a ride to school and we blasted music the whole way there which hyped me up.

"GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK THAT AIN'T RIGHT I MAKE A PLAY FUCKING UP YOUR WHOLE LIFE!" Dinah shouted the lyrics to Humble, while pounding the palm of hand to the beat on the car. I laughed at her energy. We sang throughout the whole ride to school.

I pulled into the school's parking lot and parked. When I got out I saw all the people that were chilling on the stairs were looking our direction. I guess the loud music and Dinah's loud singing caught their attention.

"The fuck are y'all looking at." Dinah barked causing them to look another direction. I laughed. We walked into the school and went to our lockers.

"So Dinah how are you and Normani?" I asked curiously. I hadn't seen them together in a while.

"Great! We made it official like a week ago." She said while smiling.

"Must be nice." I smiled.

"Yea, so Normani said you're deal with Camila is finally over?" She questioned.

"Uh yea it ended last night. Shawn and Camila finally 'connected' or whatever, but he cheated on Ariana so I feel bad for her." I sighed.

"How are you though? I mean I know you liked Camila and watching her be with someone else has got to hurt" Dinah said touching my shoulder in a caring manner.

I rolled my eyes thinking back to the situation.

I was still a little mad, jealous, and kinda sad which was stupid. I shouldn't be mad at Camila, I agreed on helping her with it. I was not going to tell Dinah that though.

"I'm fine, could be better you know. As long as I don't see Shawn and Camila being all lovey dovey and shit I should be fine." I said and sighed.

"Ok well if you ever wanna talk about it I'm here." She said softly.

"Alright alright enough with the sappy shit Hansen." I said jokingly.

"Shut up Y/L/N I'm trying to be nice here!" She laughed.

The bell rang and we were off to our first class.


After 1st period, the next 2 periods went kind of fast. I managed to avoid seeing Shawn and Camila except for in my geometry class because I unfortunately had both of them for that class.

One thing I noticed though was that Camila had a look of discomfort. I brushed it off though and continued on with my day.

It was now lunch time and Dinah was dragging me to the line with her.

"Dinah chill you're going to rip my arm off!" I whined.

She finally let go when we reached the line.

"I got us here before the line got long as hell, you're welcome." She sassed.

"I don't even like the shitty school lunch." I mumbled, making the cafeteria lady looking my way with a nasty glare.

As we waited for the cafeteria to open I heard someone call my name out a few times.

"Y/N!" I turned around to see who the hell kept yelling my name. I then realized it was Ariana. I smiled and waved at her.

"Come up here!" I said loud enough for her to hear. She did as told and came to the front of the line with me and Dinah.

"Hey, no cutting!" I heard the kid behind me say.

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