Chapter 24 ❋

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Camila's POV

"Happy 3 months." I turned and saw Y/N approaching my locker.

"Happy 3 months." I repeated and leaned in to place a kiss on her lips.

It's been 3 months since we got back together and it's been the best. I watched as she pulled a rose from behind her back and handed it to me. I instantly smiled. Single roses always seemed more romantic to me.

"Hey guys." Dinah spoke happily.

"What's up?"

"I got into the University of Tampa!" She said happily.

"No way Dinah! I did too!" I said excitedly.

"We could be roommates!" Dinah said happily.

"What about you Y/N?" Dinah and I looked at her.

She cleared her throat, "Uh, I didn't apply to any colleges."

"Bitch what! Don't you want to go to college?"

"Not particularly." She said as she slipped a piece of gum into her mouth.

"Pretty sure my mom could just hook me up with a stable job at her business in Tampa so I won't have to be hours away from Camila, and I guess you too Dinah." She laughed.

"Lucky ass, you don't have to go to school anymore!" Dinah pouted.

She laughed, "Yea."

"Well I have class see you two later." Y/N said placed a kiss on my cheek and walked away.

I looked back at my locker. I suddenly felt a discomfort in my stomach.

"I got to go." I quickly ran into the girls bathroom.

I went into a stall and crouched down. I felt like I was going to puke. Dinah walked in with a look of concern.

"Are you ok Walz?" She crouched down to my level.

Before I could answer I began puking my guts out. Dinah quickly held my hair back. I removed my head from the toilet and groaned.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" She looked at me concerned.

I nodded. She grabbed my hand and lead me to the nurse. We stood at the desk waiting for the nurse to say something.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked in a rude tone.

"She puked." Dinah said.

"Are you sick or was it something you ate?"

I thought about it. Y/N and I went out to eat last night, it must've been that.

"I think it something I ate last night." I told the nurse.

"Alright do you want to go home, or?"

"I'll take her home." Dinah spoke up.

"She's needs a parent to pick her up." The nurse said.

"My parents aren't home, can't she just take me?" I pleaded.

The nurse sighed, "Whatever I don't care just go, and shut the door behind you."

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