Just Ten Days (Ch 4)

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Still Jake's P.O.V
My eyes scanned the letter once more, laughing at Lucy’s banter. Even through writing, I can tell her personality hadn’t changed one bit. I really missed having her around with her made up words and happy energy.

“I think it’s the third time he’s reading it.” Seth mumbled from the floor.

“Shut up. And Lucy says she misses and loves you.” I told the group in front of me.

Each one broke into a smile. Everyone loved Lucy—how could they not? There was something about that girl that made anybody immediately like her.

“And she’ll see you guys in.. well, ten days now.” I smiled at how little the number now seemed. TEN days! That’s it. Just ten more days until she’s back.

“Whoa.” Jared’s eyebrows rose, his eyes wide. “She’s coming soon!”

I nodded, not able to wipe the large smile off my face.

“I have to get her room ready!” Emily exclaimed, dashing back to the kitchen.

“Babe, take is easy on yourself!” Sam called after her. “You have more than a week.” He followed her into the kitchen.

Emily was the only person who Sam actually showed compassion towards. With everyone else, he was just the tough Alpha that we all had to listen to. But too bad for him, his thoughts about Emily and our fellow tribe members, proved his disposition to be not so accurate.

“So Jake!” Quil started, leaning forward with sudden interest. “Lots of stuff happened while Lucy was gone, eh?”

I looked back at him, my eyes scanning the other faces as well. They were all looking back at me and I knew what they were thinking.

“I suppose, yeah.” I shrugged, waiting for them to bring it up.

“Alright..” Jared drawled, clearly expecting me to say more. “Are you going to tell her?”

Oh, they let that out faster than I thought. I figured they would give me a hard time about it first. I leaned back in my chair. I had been thinking this over ever since my phasing into a werewolf. I never told Lucy about it in the letters because I didn’t want her to have to deal with it on her own. I wanted to be there when I first told her so I could explain it much more clearly. That also explained why I never sent any pictures of myself or the other guys—how would I explain my sudden bulking up and nearly two feet in height added on? However, I did tell her little things such as the fact that I cut my hair. Alright, it’s a teeny thing, compared to the other stuff, but it’s something. She was really happy about learning that piece of information, though. She’d always ask me to cut my hair in the past, but I refused. Other than that, she didn’t really know anything about me- for all she knows, Sam and the guys and I are on some kind of patrol team for the rez.

“I don’t know, man.” I sighed. “She’s my best friend. I have to.”

“Yeah, you do.” Sam interrupted the conversation, emerging through the doorway.

“Wow, you really need to stop being all creepy like that.” Quil laughed.

“Sensitive ears.” Sam pointed to them, a smirk on his face. He took a seat in the rocking chair across the room, the wood creaking beneath him. “And Jake, I don’t think you have a choice other than telling Lucy.”

I nodded, it really was the only logical thing to do.

“How do you think she’s going to take it?” I questioned, thinking of all the possibilities.

“Mad.” Embry replied. “Because you didn’t tell her sooner, but Lucy gets over things fast.”

“Yeah she does.” I chuckled at this. She can never get really mad at me anyway. It’s just going to be hard to tell her. “I wouldn’t even know where to start though. There’s the legends, but she knows about those. Just not the fact that they’re true. And there’s the phasing process, the abilities, the bloodsuckers, the imprinting, agh.” I groaned, bringing my hands up to my head.

“Dude, chill.” Quil said. “Once you start, it will be easy.”

“Yeah, Jake. And if it helps, just start with showing her.” Paul added.

I looked at him, completely bemused. “Are you an idiot?”

“Yeah, Paul.” Jared shook his head. “Do you want the girl to be scarred?”

Paul raised his hands in defeat. “Whatever. Just a suggestion.”

“A crappy one.” I added.

“But there’s something important that you’re forgetting.” Seth spoke, looking at each one of us.

I cocked an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“WHAT are we doing today!?” He exclaimed in exasperation.

Instantaneously, I launched myself out of my chair and pummeled him to the ground.

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