Goodbye, New York (Ch 5)

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The day was finally here. I rushed around my tiny apartment, gathering up the last of my items. The only things that I needed to take with me were my clothes and personal items seeing as the furniture was part of the apartment. I stood in the middle of my bedroom, looking around carefully. Everything seemed to be put away in my three suitcases. I closed the bedroom door behind me and headed off to the other rooms to ensure I didn’t leave anything behind. When I got into the kitchen, I gasped, realizing my photo bulletin board was still up. It had all the pictures of the boys and me in LaPush and there was no way I was going to leave it behind, even If I had to carry it onto the plane. But luckily, I didn’t have to. There was room in the last suitcase. At last, everything was done. I wheeled my two large suitcases into the hallway with my duffle bag resting across my shoulder before closing the door to unit 23 behind me. I headed off to the elevator, pushing the button and waiting for the ding. When the door opened, I was surprised to find Benjamin inside. It was weird how I kept running into him in the elevator. Oh well, it was the last time that would happen anyway. I smiled widely, stepping into the elevator, however I was pulled back when one of my suitcases got stuck on the door. “Omph!”

“Oh, let me help.” He helped me pull the stubborn suitcase in before the doors finally shut.

“Phew! Thanks!” I smiled up at him, pushing my bags away from my eyes.

He smiled back, looking slightly surprised. I guess he wasn’t used to the smiling Lucy since the only time he saw me was when I was grumpy about being up so early and going to work, tires from work, or sipping coffee alone at a café. I made a great impression on Benjamin.

“You’re going on vacation?” He questioned looking over my bags.

“No, I’m going home, actually.” I felt the smile widen. I think I was freaking him out because he simply nodded with an “Oh”. Ah well, he never mattered anyway.

Once we reached the lobby he let me go ahead of him, helping me push the suitcase through the door once again. “Bye, Lucy. Have a safe trip.” He called from the mailboxes.

“Bye, Benjamin! Thank you!” I called rushing through the doors which the doorman held open for me.

I was always nervous when it came to flying. I could already feel my paranoia setting in as I looked out the window and back at the safety handbook in my hand. I always took my time to study it before the plane took off. I admit it, I’m a freak. But a safe one! I felt the seat beside me sink as a tall husky woman plopped herself down. I smiled warmly at her and turned back to the window.

“First time flying, dear?” She asked, pulling a book out of her bag.

“Oh, no.” I nervously laughed, sliding the book into the slot in the seat in front of me. “Just having a slight panic attack is all.”

The woman laughed at this, shaking her head. “No need to worry, darling. It’s only a four hour flight.”

Yeah.. and it only takes a minute for the plane to crash, I wanted to say, but held my tongue and nodded with a smile. The plan took off at exactly 5:00 in the evening, meaning I would arrive at around 9:00 pm eastern time, 6:00 pm western time. During the flight, my mind kept wandering to Jake and the guys and Em and Billy and everyone else. I seriously couldn’t wait until the pilot declared the arrival over the loudspeaker. I wondered how everyone changed and how everyone would greet me. Who would be at the airport, waiting? I had talked to Emily last night and she told me Sam and the guys were picking me up while she stayed at home to get things ready. There’s my cousin for you- always being the mom.

Let me explain a few things. My mother had passed away during childbirth, meaning I never got a chance to ever be with her. Instead, I was given to her sister, Lisa Young who pretty much raised Emily who was seven years older than me, and me. When Emily turned nineteen and I was twelve, Aunt Lisa died after getting attacked by a bear while hiking in the woods with Sue Clearwater. It was a hard time for all of us. I don’t really like to think about it. Anyway afterwards, it was just Emily and I living in the house together. Emily’s father was never really in the picture. He divorced Lisa when Emily was very young and went off to live his own life. It was similar to my story, except my parents were never married. My dad was just my mother’s boyfriend at the time. He’s the reason why I don’t look anything like the other Quilluettes. They were all tan with black hair while I stood out with my pale complexion and deep brown hair. I was always made fun of for it at school, but I got used to it. Jake would always stand up for me telling the other kids that it’s better to stand out than blend in. I loved that boy. This brings me to Jake’s story. Unfortunately, his mother Sarah had died in a car accident when he was two years old, leaving him with only Billy to raise him. And Billy did an amazing job. He was like a father to both Emily and I. We were always over each other’s houses seeing as he lived only four cottages down from us.

The pilot’s voice overhead telling passengers there was ten minutes left to the plane ride broke me from my daydream. I stood up, taking my small makeup case with me and excused myself as I squished past the lady and the chair in front of her. I looked myself over in the mirror of the bathroom to double check that I looked perfect for everyone. It’s been three years and I needed to look the best I can. I reapplied my bottom eyeliner and fixed the top eyeliner after it had smudged from my quick little nap. I quickly swiped some blush onto my cheeks to help out my paleness and ran my hands through my long hair, unknotting it. I had it down and simple with my bangs across my forehead in a perfectly straight line. They were a little annoying since they got into my eyes sometimes, but over all they weren’t such a bad change from the usual side bangs that I had. I then looked down at my clothes, my chocolate brown cardigan remained unwrinkled, thank God. I decided to untuck my jeans from my boots and let them flow over them. It looked much better that way. I took one quick glance at myself, smiling in excitement and rushed out of the bathroom in time to see the seatbelt signal flash. ]
I was almost there.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя