Seeing Her (Ch 6)

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Port Angeles Airport was much smaller than the LaGuardia one. Being here brought back so many memories from three years ago and I was glad that this time I was here for a good reason. I was here to come back home. I looked around for the baggage claim sign, but couldn’t see it over the towering people in front of me. At times like these I really detested my short height. I decided to just follow the crowd and sure enough I was at baggage claim. Getting my bags off the spinning thing was a whole ordeal I don’t even want to describe. Let’s just say I nearly got stuck on the revolver. Once all my things were together, I pulled my bag over my shoulder, my purse on my arm, and the two suitcases in each hand, dragging behind me. I walked over to the gate and stood on my tippy toes, trying to make out a familiar face.

A large smile appeared on my face, almost bearing all my teeth when my eyes came across a small group of tall guys waving their hands towards me, a smile on each of their faces. They were still pretty far, so I couldn’t make out who was who, but as I got closer, I could already see the familiar faces of Sam, Embry, and Quil.

“LUCY!” I heard their bellows as they rushed to meet me halfway.

I let go of my suitcases and threw off my bag, running at them and pouncing into their arms. Sam was the only one out of the three that looked the same. He was still the big, dark and burly. As for the other two—they were a different story. When I left them, they were just some tall lanky kids. But now, as I looked up at them, I realized just how much has changed. Each of them stood to a broad six feet, almost reaching up to be even with Sam. They certainly weren’t the little boys I had left them- they were men now.

After our greetings, we all headed out to the parking lot, they effortlessly towed my suitcases for me.

“Where’s Jacob?” I questioned Embry, squinting my eyes ahead towards the lot, hoping he wanted to surprise me by the car or something.

“Oh, he had to drive Billy to his doctor’s appointment.” Sam told me, “But he’ll be at our place when we get there.” He reassured.

I had to admit I was really bummed that Jacob couldn’t make it here, but I immediately perked up at the fact that I’d be seeing him in thirty minutes. I waited three years. I can do thirty minutes.

The ride was short since we spent the whole time talking about all the things I’ve been doing in New York and how LaPush had changed. I already knew more than half the things they said all thanks to Jacob. The last ten minutes of the ride, I was too busy looking out the window to engage in any conversation with the boys. I took in all the familiar scenery of Forks and LaPush. We finally made it down the old dirt road leading up to the reservation. I could feel the adrenaline pump through my veins and my heart pound. I looked at my little wooden cottage that I had lived in all my life. I remembered the little red door, the big flower pots on the porch, and the swing Sam had built for Emily.

And at last, I saw her- sitting at the bottom stair, a big smile across her face as she quickly stood up. As soon as Sam had parked his little Chevy, I was out the door and running down the little path towards her.

“EM!” I shouted, wrapping my arms around her as tightly as I could manage.

“Lucy!” She screamed back, entwining her arms around me as well.

I took in her usual jasmine scent and closed my eyes. I never realized how much I really missed her until this moment. We both pulled away at the same time and I was able to take a good look at her. She was much taller than me, about 5’8” so I had to look up. But when I did, I could easily make out the scar across the right side of her face that led all the way down to her arm, fading at her hand. Jake had told me about this a few months after I left. She had fallen on some broken glass while cleaning the attic. Even with the scar, she was still my beautiful cousin, Emily.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن