Guilt (Ch 10)

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“Hey Luce,” Emily turned around, still in Sam’s arms, “Everyone’s going to be coming soon. Like eightish”

“Yeah, good thing we Rez citizens have impeccable timing.” Jared walked by heading towards the fridge.

I looked up at the clock to see that it was already eight thirty.

“They said ISH.. eightish.” Emily smacked Jared’s shoulder on her way to the stove.

He shrugged, taking another sip form his bottle and turning back to Lucy. “So how was New York? You never really told us.”

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by Sam, “Why don’t we wait till everyone gets here and then we can all hear about Lucy’s time in New York.”

“Yeah, I don’t really wanna keep repeating the same boring story.” I agreed, “BUT I do wanna hear all about Kim Connweller.” I smirked up at Jared.

He rolled his eyes, a smile making way onto his lips. “How’d you know about that?”

I shrugged mischievously. “I have my ways. I am still the same Lucy after all. I find out everything.”

“Meaning Jacob told her in one of those letters.” Sam added.

I turned to him, eyes narrowed. “That too. But I would have found out eventually. Now spill.”

Jared stared back at me blankly.

“Well how’d it happen?” I decided to start the questions since he wasn’t willing to share.

Jared shrugged a teasing look across his face before he turned around and left to go to the living room. I looked to Emily and Sam who were now each holding a pan to place on the dining table. They both shrugged. Jared, as usual, was clearly trying to be difficult and it was working. I headed off right after him, hearing Sam and Emily laugh as I rushed through the backdoor behind him. Unfortunately he was freakishly fast and was already making his way around the house and towards the front.

“I’m gonna get you to talk, Jared!” I called after him.

“Good luck with that.”

I turned to the voice and found Jake standing a few feet away over a barbecue grill, tongs in hand. His forehead was coated with sweat and his hands had black powder all over them, no doubt from the charcoal.

“Hey there.” I smiled and walked over to him. “What are you up to?”

“Eh, grillin.” He replied with a shrug. “But it seems that you’ve been doing some grilling of your own.” He cocked an eyebrow at me.

I pouted, “Hey. I was not grilling Jared. I was simply trying to find out just how this whole Kim thing happened.” I reasoned, holding my hands up in innocence.

Jake chuckled. The sound was so low and deep, I could feel the tremors from him. “Well Jared’s always been a difficult one to crack.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “I’m beginning to remember.”

He looked down at me that smile still on his face. And for some reason it wasn’t weird having him just look at me and smile like that. It was.. well I don’t really know what it was. It was just.. right. A few moments in, he looked down shaking his head a little and then back at me.

“Well how about this. I’ll let you do some grilling over here. And if you’re really lucky I’ll even let you pay to help me finish this.” He leaned on his tongs which were digging into the metal barbecue lid, his other hand at his hip.

I laughed at him, and grabbed the spatula that was sitting next to the other utensils. “Okay, Tom Sawyer. I’ll take your offer… your first one.”

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now