Chapter 11: He Freaking EATS that?!

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Hey everyone! Good to see you again! I know I say this a lot but thank you guys SO much for everything! I cant believe this book has 1.2k reads already...I swear I almost cried TwT You guys are awesome, stay awesome!


~Your POV~

I took out the weird jar of organs and set it on the counter. What even WAS this? Who in this house old would eat this anyways? I 'accidentally' opened the jar, the smell slowly drifted up to my nose and once I got a whiff of it, I was immediately at the trash can loosing whatever I had eaten before. Gross...

I walked back over to the counter and closed the jar, then decided to save everyone and throw it away. I picked up the jar and walked back over to the trash can, and right when I was about to dump it a grey hand caught the jar. Now, this startled me because I didn't know everyone here yet. So a hand coming out of no where was surprising, and what was even more surprising? When I looked back a guy was sitting on the counter in a black hoodie and blue jeans. I looked up to meet his gaze, I almost jumped because his eyes where purely black and he had this odd liquid coming from is eyes. He also had brown hair and grey skin, And I noticed a navy blue mask next to him and. He. Was. Eating. Those. Things. (A/n you know what's sad?...E.J is like one of my favorite cp's and I had to look up a picture of him T~T) 

"What?" He said in a irritated tone.

"You're eating that?" I questioned in the disgusted but curious way. 

"Yes, and I don't appreciate the fact you where going to throw away my food, kid." He said, defiantly annoyed this time.

"What even Is that?" I asked again.

"Kidneys..." The male replied, "now if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"Y/n, and you?" I climbed up on the counter across from him. It seems a lot of odd things happen in the kitchen.

"Eyeless Jack...But everyone calls me E.J here." E.J said finishing off his 'food'...I still cant believe e eats that and doesn't want to throw up.

"Well it was nice to meet you E.J! I'll see you around!" I said hopping off the counter and walking to Prism's room, since she's alive again I should get to know her more. Then find out if Slender really is my dad or not! As I was walking up the stairs I felt another rush of energy flow through me, I shook it off thinking it was nothing though. I got to Prism's room and knocked on the extremely patterned door. 

Not hearing anything I opened the door and found that the room was empty, where could Prism be? 'Oh well, I might as well take a walk around outside' I said in my head with a sigh. It seemed to be around one pm so I should be good for a little while.

I carefully went down the stairs so I wouldn't trip again and land on someone. Making it to the door I pushed open the oak doors that led to the forest. It was a beautiful day, not even a cloud in the sky! The grass was a vibrant green and the white flowers had a few drops of water due to the rain that had fallen the night before.

I walked along a faint trail for a few minuets and came to a stop. I had come across a amazing pink cherry tree that was about ten yards from a cliff that over looked the near by town of Marble Falls. I smiled and sat under the pink tree looking at the amazing view.

(A/n Fun fact! I grew up in a town called Marble Falls!)

I sat there for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was a few minuets, until I heard a soft hoot of an owl. 'I thought owls where nocturnal? Why on earth would there be an owl in the day time...?'

I stood up and looked around for a minuet or two, I almost gave up thinking it was just my imagination until I heard it again coming from near by. I followed the sound until I came across a small owl with one of its wings caught under a pile of rocks. I quickly ran to it and picked up one of the rocks, which was surprisingly heavy.

After I had gotten the rocks off of the poor thing I gently checked for any injuries, it seemed alright. Except it was rather tired and exhausted looking, it must have used up its energy trying to get free. The owl opened its eyes and looked at me as I slowly reached out to pick it up. My hands stopped when I caught its gaze, I then gently picked the owl up and started back to the mansion.

~Time skip~

To my surprise, the owl didn't put up a fight on the way back! Which was a good thing because I didn't exactly know what to do if it did that. I had also gotten back to the mansion and I peeked open the door a little bit to make sure the cost was clear. Well, it wasn't. Toby, Ben, and a scary looking black and white clown was in the living room watching tv.

"Oh how amazingly perfect.." I said with MUCH sarcasm in my voice. The owl let out a soft hoot and I looked down at it and pressed a finger to my lips as if to say to be quiet. Which the owl did.

I kept peeking into the living room until a voice from behind startled me into almost dropping the owl I held in my arms, "Kid? What are you doing?" I slowly turned my head to see E.J sitting on a swing on the porch and looking at me.

"Uhm...Nothing." I said turning back to the door, Toby had left.

"Okay? What's with the owl?" He asked again.

"I found it in the forest." I replied, it was my turn to be irritated.

"Do you want any help taking care of it?"

I stopped for a few seconds and looked at him, he was just casually sitting on the swing with his mask on as if this was just all NORMAL! I narrowed my E/C eyes at him and nodded. E.J swiftly got up and opened the door and pulled me inside.

"Ben, L.J, seed eater needs to be fed!" E.J said, he was standing in front of me so they couldn't see what I was holding. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring a bird of prey into the mansion, but I did anyway.

"WHAT?! E.J seed eater is YOUR responsibility!" Ben yelled. E.J then lightly pushed me towards the stairs with his hand, so I did what he had motioned for me to do and quietly as possible ran upstairs...Which is surprisingly hard! I got to the top of the stairs and heard someone coming, so I ducked into my room and slammed the door.

"DO. NOT. SLAM. THE. DOORS CHILDREN! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!" Slender screamed from his office. I ALMOST had to cover my ears a little bit...Slendy was a little scary when he wanted to be!


Word Count: 1,277

Hey everyone! I cant believe we have made it to chapter eleven already! Thank you so much for the support! It honestly mean so much to me!

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