Chapter 19: Things are weird now...

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I'm back! I swear, I'm nawt dead. Now enjoy the chapter!!!

Oh, also...I call offendy Marcus because I don't really like any of the other names ^w^

Apologies if Marcus is ooc, it just fits with the story.


~Your POV~

I stood there not knowing what to do for a good few seconds in silence. Until Prism pushed me over to a loveseat that was next to the couch, then she smiled at her uncle and left.

"So...Y/n, was it?"

"Yeah...Why did Slendy describe me when I wasn't his daughter?"

"I...I wanted you to have a better life. So I had used a spell to make him think you where his kid."

"Why though?"

"That's something for later."


"Why don't you go get something to eat? Prism is bound to be making something..." He said looking towards the kitchen. I could hear someone mumbling a few curses under their breath coming from there. Marcus then spoke one more, "we can talk after. I need to speak to my brothers anyway."

I nodded as he stood and walked off towards Slendy's office, where I assumed Trendy, Splendy, and Slendy where already there awaiting the fourth brother. (A/n that's a lot of endys...) I stood up myself and walked to the kitchen, I was actually quite hungry.

"Y/n! How did it go?!" Prism half yelled.

"It went fine...He said we would talk more after he spoke to the other endys..."


"Have you noticed that all their names end in endy?!" It was my turn to half yell.

"Holy cow...Your right! In all my years of alive/dead I never noticed that! But you know Y/n, you can call them all uncle now. Minus Marcus, since he is your dad..."

"Yeah...Things are gonna be a little weird now."

"What do you expect from a house full of killers?" A voice said from the door way, I looked behind me to see Ben in all his short elf glory.

"Right...Prism, I do have another question though. Its family related."

"Shoot." She said while hopping onto the counter, Ben doing the same.

"Do we have a last name?"

"YOU KNOW! I'VE ALWAYS WONDERED THAT! EVERYONE JUST CALLS YA'LL BY YOUR FIRST NAMES!" Ben screamed, earning a deadly glare from Prism.

"Yeah, we do. Its not really used much though."

"Then what is it?" Ben and I questioned at the same time. I had noticed he was a tad closer to Prism then before...

Prism sighed with a smile on her face, "our last name is Chambers actually." (A/n I'm completely making this up, its really the last name I chose for Prism when I first started writing)


"That's pretty cool actually! Better than Drowned."

"Shame its not used to much." Prism sighed, though she still had a smile plastered on her face. I giggled quietly and finally went to the fridge to get some food. I heard Prism and Ben say something about videogames and after that the walked out. Prism didn't make food...I cant cook.

Lets see if anything can just be heated up if not, I shall call for a responsible person who can cook, maybe. I looked around on the shelves I could reach (A/n sorry if your tall, just pretend that sentence never existed if you are)...Cheesecake, cheesecake...More cheesecake... Organs...Nope, nothing. Alrighty then! I took in a deep breath then screamed...First person to walk through that door better know how to cook.

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