Chapter 1 - A job for this bankrupt.

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~Author's Note~

I began too inspired xD Well... For reading, you, yes you, the one reading this, have my thanks n.n

Wander's world is infinite and strange, that's one of the things I love more about it (besides the main character, haha) so there's always room for a few more new planets =D And a shady ghost o3o

Regarding accents, Sylvia talks with (ya) and Wander talks with ('cha)~ It is a way to recognize each of them.

Enjoy nwn

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When you think you're an unique living being in this world, when you think there's no one else in the entire galaxy that could be like you, or that could even try to look like you...

When that critical moment in your life hits, when you think you're the only one who thinks this, who says that, who believes in this, who does that; who has those aspects that make you seem so... different from anyone else you've seen and met.

When your fur is different from the rest, when you are shorter, when your eyes have a glow that no one else has, and when your heart beats to the rhythm of passion for life.

When you bury down in your own uneasiness of being the only one of your kind, of being... ALONE.

Only a question could try to change those feelings towards life.

'What if I'm not the only one, after all?'

Lying on his back, with his arms under his head acting as a pillow, this question passed by this little fella's head, like the most rapid shooting star that could cut through that big universe of his mind.

And just like the fastest star you could think of, a shooting star passed by in front of his existence; it was right there, like waiting for his wish.

He gasped "It could work... I wish to meet 'em! Please...!" with his hands on his chest, he pledged in a very low voice, but overly excited "I don't wanna be the only one!"

"Hm? Did ya say something, buddy?"

"No... SYLVIA!!" he jumped, realizing that maybe his friend Zbornak, could have an answer to his inquire. And if she didn't have an answer, she could say just what he wanted to hear "Hey Syl, do 'cha think that, maybe, I say, just mayyyyybe, hipotetically talkin', if there were a minimal chance o--"

"Go straight to the point. I don't get ya."

"Ok!" he took a deep breath "Do 'cha think that, maybe, there are others like me 'ere, in this galaxy?"

"Like ya?" Sylvia snorted "In fact, I highly doubt there's another creature as loud 'n cheerful as ya in a thousand galaxies, pal." she looked down "And I honestly don't wanna repeat the multiple Wanders' experience... That was too much even fo' me."

"Noooooo!" Wander climbed up her neck and made her look straight at him, so she could only give all her attention to his words "I mean, if there would be other o' my kind, with THIS fur, with THIS height... maybe with THESE socks, too... 'ere, near us!"

"Another Star Nomad? Here? Nah, I don't think so." she responded, removing her friend from her face and sitting him down again on her saddle. But what she answered certainly wasn't what Wander wanted to hear "They few travel ALL the time, and they're never near other one. It's kinda like... they have a radar thingy that get 'em to evade others of their kind. Who'd like to evade their own family?"

"... Uh, Sylvia..."

"Wait, don't answer that." the Zbornak realized the irony in her words "I mean that... I don't really get 'em, no offense."

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن