Chapter 4 - Word of a fair going on near here.

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~ Author's Note ~

Even if there are just a few views or no comments at all, I will go on writing this story because it turned out so nice in my head! Thanks to you all! n.n

By the way... in the first drawing, that thing was supossed to be Emperor Awesome's hand, but... I was drawing by heart because I didn't have Internet at that time and I already took the photo and... you get it xD I know, I know that his hands are littler, but... just imagine that Sylvia stepped on his hands or somethin'... I dunno ^-^'

(Excuse the weird blue curves, too, I wasn't using ruler xD)

Anyways, enjoy nwn

~ × × × ~

"Well... That was easier done than said." said Sylvia, standing on the now destroyed stage.

"Sylvia! Why'd 'cha turn off a party as awesome as that!?"

"Hmm... 'Cause it was one o' the destruction parties that Emperor Awesome uses to hold at any planet of 'is choice?"

"Aww, but..." before Wander could pout, his friend took him and sat him down on her back.

"No buts, let's get going to 'nother place. A nicer one, ok? I'm not gonna stay 'n clean up the mess."

"I can help!"

"Oh, no!"

"What happened...!?"

"I'm already walking away!"

"Aww..." he resigned that he couldn't help to 'clean up' the party remains.

"Cheer 'p, or I won't take ya to the fair."

"THE FAIR!?" and so, she had the problem resolved.

Sylvia blew an orbble so them two travelers could take off, and coincidentally, another traveler blew her own orbble, in the opposite direction.

"I can't believe some wild Zbornak started punching the funny hand-headed tiny people and died out the party." (Name) sighs and began to walk away inside her transport.

And the three left, the travelers by their side, and the hunter by her own.

"Why you, Becks...? WHYYYYYYYYYY!?" Emperor Awesome shouted to Sylvia, rising from his destroyed stage, as they left.

~ × × × ~

A beep sound coming from her (fav/c) backpack interrumpted (Name) in her way. She answered a blue walkie-talkie "(Name) talking, huntress for hire. Who is it?"


"Oh, it's you. Lord." she sounded uninterested.

"Are you doing your job!?"

"Yes, yes... I still can't find that guy you told me but I will eventually. I mean, it can't be THAT difficult, yes?"

"Eh... You don't know how difficult it is sometimes... Whatever. Do you want me to help you with my rad-"

"NO!!" (Name) cleared her throat "I mean, no, thanks. I can do this job alone, and I WILL find him."

"Full of yourself, huh?"

"Of course."

"Well... Do as you'd like. Just don't come crying to me if you find nothing!" the person on the other side of the line hung up. But the walkie-talkie talked again "By the way!"

"What now?"

"Remember he's always where there are trouble. Bring me what I asked for or I won't pay you!" with a shout that you could swear was heard in a distance of three planets away or so, the message now ended.

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now