Chapter 38 - This feeling won't die here.

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~ Author's Note ~

So... I'm beginning to think that I'm pretty wicked since the last chapter xD I wonder wheter I'll make a good villain? o3o These crazy ideas...

I need a better title *sighs* ... Lack of sleep getting to me~!

I needed humour after all these serious scenes. Enjoy yourselves with the sight of Hater in underwear! =D

Oh, I forgot! Hater's underwear are usually watchdog-themed, so... he only uses his 'lucky shorts' in special ocassions...?

Enjoy nwn

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"... (Na... Name)!" Wander shouted, as Sylvia picked him up and dashed off the room. It wasn't like her to escape, but they needed the help.

"Let's go 'n get 'elp, Wander!"

"Wait! What 'bout lil' (Name)!?" he turned around on her saddle, with a worried look.

"We need more help now!"

"She needs OUR 'elp now!" Sylvia stopped. Seeing this, Wander got off and faced her "She needs ME there now! Even if I can't fight... she'd want me to stay by 'er side and cheer on 'er!"

"But you'll both DIE, pal!!"

"I can at least see 'er smilin' face till the end! 'Cha must have hope, things aren't always to turn on the bad side! Because... friends are always there to 'elp each other, right?" that said, he ran back to where everyone was.

Sylvia remembered when she said herself, that same line to (Name).

'Ya know... Friends are there to 'elp each other.'

'... Who taught you that?'

'Wander, of course! He's such a nice friend, y'know? He saved my life, literally, when I was a rebel bounty hunter 'n now... I just can't leave 'is side.'

"I just can't leave 'is side... Wait." though she called at him, he didn't stop "WANDER!!"

Back there, (Name) felt between asleep and awake. But she indeed felt, a bit less colder than before. Like if she has been near a fire for awhile. Was that an effect of having been summoned to the void with the black ghost?

Thanks to that warmth, her endurance was increased for a bit longer.

"(Name)!" he suddenly shook her right, only free hand "(Name), please say somethin'...!! Look at me, I'm 'ere!"

"... Umm... W-Wandy...?" she finally opened her eyes, meeting first thing with her crush's smiling face.

"Smile for me?"

"... Heh..." her eyes adjusted. The cold was getting unbearable. She smiled for a brief moment, too "Y-you smile... w-w-way too mu-much..."

"Heh, well... 'Cha like that, right?"


"Oh no, you're freezin'!" he held her hand tighter, took off his hat and began to rustle into it.

Eventually, she tightened a bit her grasp on Wander's hand, too. Her thoughts didn't have a coherent order or sense at all, but she still could feel. A lot of cold.

'This feeling... I don't want it to die here... Wander...'

'I truly love you...'

"Lil' (Name), lemme... 'elp 'ch-AAAAAH!!"

"WELL, WELL..." talked Dominator, with her standard voice, after picking up Wander once again, this time from his arm "What do we have here? Again?"

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora