Sixteen: Lavender

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So I decided to add this chapter after writing the previous chapter sixteen (now seventeen), because I thought the time Skylar spent with Nana would be fun to write, and I was correct! Please enjoy the extra Nana because she is a good time.


"This way, love!" Nana called over her shoulder. For a small, old woman, she was very agile. Skylar jogged forward trying to keep up. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she answered, finally falling into step next to her, although she would likely fall behind again. 

Nana paused to bend down to inspect a plant quickly before moving on. "I heard you and Orion were up early this morning."

"Yeah, even before the sun," Skylar shook her head as she stepped over a fallen log. 

"I don't think that boy has slept later than the sunrise in his whole life," Nana chuckled. "Why did he get you up so early?"

"I, uh, we..." Skylar wasn't sure if she should tell Nana about the situation with her dragon, but when the old woman peered over her shoulder with king, inquiring eyes, she knew she could trust Orion's grandmother. If she didn't already know, she would soon. She was a part of the Alpha family, she would be kept it the loop. She took a deep breath and came out with it. "We were trying to release my dragon."

Nana stopped walking and turned to face Skylar. There was no judgement in her eyes, only curiosity. "And did you?"

Skylar looked down at her feet and shook her head. "Not yet. We tried though, up until Orion left me on your doorstep a little bit ago. He wanted to talk to Leo for help."

"Leo's a smart man. He's my son-in-law, twice over, so you can't tell him that I think highly of him," Nana winked a pale blue eye, "but he'll know what to do."

"I hope so. The full moon is tomorrow and I just... I don't want everyone to see me shift like that."

She nodded her white head in understanding. "If you want to talk about anything else, you go right ahead honey. I know the benefit of just having someone listen. You have enough people trying to give you advice, I'm sure."

Skylar wanted to tell her everything, but she hesitated, Orion's warnings still echoed in her head. Luckily, Nana had already moved on, kneeling in front of a brightly flowering plant. She rattled off a name that Skylar didn't catch. "We dry the roots for this one. It makes a great tea to help with sleepless nights."

She set her basket on the ground next to it and began digging gently to reveal the roots. Skylar hesitantly kneeled next to her and began digging at another plant, carefully watching Nana's technique. There wasn't really much to it, but she wanted to do it right, to learn from and impress her new mentor. 

"So what has Orion told you about dragons so far? You've spent quite a bit of time with him," Nana asked as she rose, apparently satisfied with the number of tubers they'd collected. 

Skylar brushed the dirt off her trousers as she shrugged. "Not much actually. We've mostly focused on my dragon when we've talked, I guess."

"He hasn't told you about your own kind?" Nana clucked her tongue in disappointment. "My grandson isn't always the most thoughtful. You'll have to forgive him."

"He talked about Wildlings a little, the differences and such. And some other facts here and there, but he hasn't gone into detail on anything."

"Well, it's a beautiful day, and you happen to be in the presence of a very knowledgeable old woman, my dear," she grinned widely. "What would you like to know?"

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