Fifty-Two: A Proposition for a King

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Skylar blinked her eyes open, the early morning sun filtering through the leaves above her, sprinkling them with small rays. She was warm, extremely warm, and smiled as she realized it was because Orion was wrapped around her like a vine. His arm was thrown over her waist, holding her close, while his wonderfully heavy leg was wrapped around both of hers. The best part though was that his head rested on her chest, and he was still soundly asleep.

She grinned like a loon, reaching up to run her fingers lightly over his hair. He stirred, his arm tightening around her, before he settled again. She blushed to herself as she remembered they were both naked beneath the blanket he'd wrapped around them. Not with embarrassment though, no, but with pleasure. She turned her head, feeling the tenderness in her neck where he'd sunk his teeth in.

He'd been as gentle as possible, but she was so gone with desire that she's hardly noticed the pain as he broke her fine skin. She'd reciprocated the act immediately after, kissing his neck and letting her tongue skim across his skin. Then, she allowed her dragon as close to the surface as possible so her eyes began to glow and her teeth sharpened. She had kissed his neck one more time before sinking her teeth in and taking his essence into her body.

As soon as his blood touched her lips, she felt the connection between them begin to forge. She felt her heart begin to beat in time with his own, her mind begin to meld with his. She felt his passion, his love for her. The connection was new and fragile, but strong. Even now she could feel his presence in her mind.

She lifted her hand to admire her new ring. The sunlight caught it just right, causing it to shimmer and shine in just the way her mates dragon did. It was the most wonderful piece of jewelry she'd ever worn. She looked over at where her trousers had been discarded on the ground, thinking about the necklace she'd made. She still had no idea what he thought of it.

Ignoring the thought, she ran her hand through his hair again and he inhaled deeply, turning his face into her bare chest and kissing her. A sigh escaped her lips at the contact and her body began to tighten in memory of the night before. She'd like to do that again, soon.

"Good morning," he whispered against her skin, inhaling again.

"Mmmm," she smiled. "Good morning."

"You smell amazing. You smell like me." His lips brushed her sensitive skin again and she tugged his hair lightly to pull him up to her face. He complied easily, positioning himself over her so that she could feel the entire, wonderful length of him.

"Not so bad yourself," she said, running her nose along his jaw, against the dark scruff. She leaned up to kiss the bite mark she'd left on his skin last night. The permanent mark that would tell every female that he was taken and to stay away. She liked that he smelled like her. She instinctually knew it was because they had marked one another, claimed each other as mates, and now their scents would begin to mix. There would be no confusion about who Orion belonged to.

He grinned down at her, resting his weight on his elbows and looming over her. The morning sun formed a halo around him. He was beautiful.

"It's light out," she told him, reaching up to cradle his cheek. He leaned into her palm with a contented growl.

He chuckled, swooping down to kiss her again. "Good observation, love."

She rolled her eyes, but felt her cheeks warm at his affection. "No. It's light out and you were still asleep. And I woke up before you. That never happens. You're usually up before the sun."

He raised his eyebrows and turned to look over his shoulder at the sky. "Well would you look at that." He turned back to her with a playful grin. "You wore me out last night."

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