Author's Note: THANK YOU

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So I've noticed other people do these, and I thought maybe I'd try one. I really don't like when they're a part of the chapter so I'm making it a whole separate thing so you can skip it if you want!

I just really want to thank you guys for not only reading my story but for seeming to like it!! That means so much to me, you have no idea. I've been writing for like ten years (since I was nine!) and I've only told a handful of people that I do it, and I've never let anyone read my stories before. I've been too afraid of what they'd think or if it was even any good. Wattpad was such a huge step for me, I was so terrified no one would read what I've spent so much time writing or that they would hate it, but you guys have and that means so, so much to me. You're so encouraging and you get into it, which I absolutely thrive on and it keeps me writing so I don't disappoint you!

Fun fact, in case anyone was wondering, I wrote the first seven chapters of this story over a year and a half ago, and I've written more in these last few months than I have in that amount of time and that is because of you! I actually have a reason to finish writing about Skylar and Orion, which is amazing because I love them so much. 

So, once again, THANK YOU. I appreciate you so much.

P.S. If you're waiting for Skylar and Orion to get together, I promise it is coming xD! I have it all planned out, and it will happen soon.

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