Twenty-Four: Wounded Bird

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Orion paced the kitchen, looking at the door every few minutes. What was he saying to her? He'd expected his father to be upset, but he hadn't expected him to be that upset. His father was known for keeping a cool head. He'd also never seen his father scribble out a note as fast as he had after hearing about Draco. What bothered Orion most was that his father hadn't told him what the note was. It had been a long time since Leo had kept something from Orion.

"Orion, everything will be okay," Victoria assured him, although her eyes said otherwise. She was nearly as upset as Orion. Leo had completely blown her off in his anger, something he hadn't done before. Orion hadn't talked back to his father since he was a young boy, but today he would give him a piece of his mind. He'd wanted to march after them when he'd seen the fear in Skylar's eyes. He'd never wanted to talk back to his father like he had right then. To keep Skylar with him, out of his father's way until he'd calmed down. He had actually wanted to protect her from his dad. He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at Victoria.

"I haven't seen him that worked up in a long time," he told her, his voice tight with anxiety "I don't know what he's going to do."

"Honey," Victoria reached out to grab his hand, squeezing tightly. "She'll be alright. Your father isn't going to do anything to her."

Nana put a plate of food on the table and urged him to sit down just as Olly trotted into the room. His little brother's face was bright with a smile, his orange eyes dancing.

"Good morning, everyone," he announced as he headed straight for the food. He didn't seem to notice the tension until he was seated across from Orion and realized no one had responded to him. He met Orion's eyes, and Orion knew he was hiding nothing about how he felt.

"What's wrong?" Olly asked, his fork paused between his mouth and his plate. Orion glanced over at Nana and Victoria. He'd already told them everything. About how Skylar was a princess, how Draco was after her, and what that would mean for them as a clan. They were nothing but supportive in his decision to protect Skylar. But that would mean nothing if his father felt differently.

Olly's brows creased in irritation that no one was answering him. "You guys can't act like someone died and then not tell me what's going on. I'm part of the Alpha family too, you know."

"Dad's on a rampage, and I don't know what he's going to do," Orion responded, running his hands over his face.

"A rampage? About what?" Olly glanced around the kitchen, slowly piecing together that someone was missing. "Skylar."

"She's a bit more important to the humans that we previously thought," Orion answered.

"And that means what? There's no reason to be so cryptic, brother," Olly waved his fork at Orion, having resumed eating.

"Her human parents are the king and queen. She's the crown princess of one of the most powerful human kingdoms."

Olly's burnt orange eyes widened slightly and his eye brows raised. He was obviously impressed with this news. "Alright, I see how this could put a damper on things, but I don't see why that would send Dad on a rampage. Dad's not known for his explosive temper."

"It's about the man who discovered what she is," Orion sighed. "Draco's after her."

Olly very nearly choked. "Draco? The bastard whose knight killed Mom?"

Orion snarled at the mention of that day. He blocked it out as thoroughly as he could, and he didn't even let himself think about it when Skylar mentioned his name before, or when he thought about the king since then.

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