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Chapter 15: Water Under the Bridge

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Chapter 15: Water Under the Bridge

"No, absolutely not," Amaya denies the teenage boy, his brown puppy dog eyes boring into hers with such sadness that it nearly made her heart crack in two.

In front of the leggy blonde, Seth Clearwater stood, he was wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt. "Maya, please. You haven't even seen her yet, she's beautiful."

"I'm sure she is, Seth but it's not happening."

"Come on, what'd Renesmee ever do to you?"

Amaya froze thinking carefully on the question before she finally gave out a groan. Her fingers tangled in her hair as she leaned into the table beside her. From across the room Jacob watched without speaking, not wanting to say anything to upset his imprint into thinking that he cared more for Bella than he actually did. "Nothing, I'd just rather not. I'm not good with kids."

"Even you could get along with her, please. Just come see her and then if you still don't like her then you can leave and I'll never bother you again."

The trio trudged through the woods, Amaya straggling the furthest behind, Jake looking back occasionally to make sure he was alright. She stopped at the front of the exquisite home, taking a step inside after the others. "Back again, little wolf," Emmett teased as he saw Seth, giving him a little nudge.

"Yes, brought someone along too. Where's Ness?"

Emmett gave a nod in the other room where the little baby was sitting comfortably in Rosalie's arms. "Good luck getting her out of her arms."

"Can I hold her?" Seth questioned the golden haired vampire, and with little hesitation he was giving the small girl. "There's someone I'd like you to meet," The youngest Clearwater spoke, his voice going up to accommodate his imprint and what made her smile.

After a moment, Amaya finally looked at it, the features on her seeming different than she'd imagined. She didn't have red eyes, fangs or even horns. She looked normal with her brown hair and muddy brown eyes that resembled Bella's when she was a human. "How old is she?"

"Younger than she looks, Carlisle is still trying to figure out why she's growing so fast." Seth snuck a glance at Amaya, a comforting smile appearing on his boyish features. "Do you want to hold her?"

Amaya remained stiff as a board as the baby was placed in her arms without much further words. "Seth, I told you I'm not good with—" Her words were cut off when Renesmee rested a tiny palm on her cheek, a vision of her mother when she was birthing her flashed before Amaya's eyes. It morphed into another one, Edwards eyes and Bella's smile, Seth's laugh and the feelings of Rosalie's cold hands. "What the hell was that?"

"She's gifted," A new voice proclaimed from behind her, the baby somehow just falling into place in Amaya's arms. The newborn curling her nose into her shoulder while her fingers curled tightly around her finger. "And she likes you a lot apparently."

Amaya stared at Edward with a blank expression. She resented him for having everything she'd always wanted, a family, someone who loved her and while she and Jacob were finally reaching some common ground, it wasn't perfect—it wasn't enough. Amaya Hill wanted a husband, she wanted a child, she wanted love and these people—these vampires before her had everything she'd ever wanted even after all of the things they'd put she through.

She liked to believe she was a kind person, did good things for others and tried her best to be helpful but her attitude wasn't something she could just shake off and neither was the constant reminders of what they did to her. "Im not sure why that's such a shock, I'm a likable person."

Edward chuckled at her, his golden eyes gazing upon his daughter that rested so peacefully in the arms of a girl that used to be his sister. "May I speak to you privately?"

"Seth, you should take the baby."

"No, you hold her," He answered with much difficulty. "I don't want to wake her up and if she sees me she won't fall back asleep for a while."

Amaya and Edward walked out of the room, migrating up the stairs until they stopping inside of his old bedroom. "I would like to formally apologize to you for everything I did to you. I haven't been the best person to you and I realize that."

"No, you haven't. You nearly let me die."

"I know, and i've never been more ashamed of something in my hundred years."

"Really?" Amaya quirked a brow. "You mean you meant to wear that shirt with those jeans?"

Edward cracked a grin, the air around them clearing for the first time in so long. He missed moments like this, he missed joking around with her and being around her. But he knew it'd never be he same, the injuries he'd caused were far too deep and would definitely leave a scar that he'd never be able to fully heal."

"I forgive you, I suppose."

"You should talk to Esme, she's been a mess since you left."

Amaya looked down at the baby in her hands, keeping quiet for a moment before finally speaking up. "Edward, I forgive you," She repeats. "—but I have no intentions of rejoining this family. I just don't think I could ever willingly come back to place where people are all to comfortable with letting someone they consider get hurt over," Amaya wanted to say Bella, wanted to spit out her name like it was a poison but she refrained with a deep sigh. "—others."

"I understand," He solemnly acknowledges. "You're always welcome though, as a friend of course, until you feel comfortable with us again."

With a nod, she returned the child to her parent, using her now free fingers through her hair. "Good to know."

Please don't get me started on that ugly ass, animated baby that they used in this movie. I am still salty asf they used that instead of swiping someone's brown haired, brown eyed baby off the street and making the movie 10 times better but whatever, not my movie not my problem. But if it was, it'd be better and it'd make much much much more money.

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