Chapter Five

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Percy's POV

As we got on to the train, all I could think about was how much Annabeth would want to learn how the wall worked. The gears in her head would be turning, her mind racing. It would be adorable. 

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I walked into a cabin. It had one person in it, a girl with tanned skin and brown hair. The girl was sitting down so I couldn't tell how tall she was. She was facing the window, but when she turned towards me, I saw she had dark brown eyes. She was pretty enough to be a daughter of Aphrodite. 

"Oh hi." She said simply.

"Hey, can we sit here?" I asked her. She nodded and we sat down. I held out my hand and said, "My name is Percy. Percy Jackson."

"Oh, my name is Ava. Ava Parker." The girl told me.

Everyone else introduced themselves. Ava told me some stuff about herself. I learned that she loved to read and to listen to music. She reminded me of Annabeth so much. I also learned she was a Gryffindor. 

We all talked, ate candy, and told jokes for the next few hours. 

Time Skip

We stepped off of the train and I immediately thought about Annabeth. She would ramble on for hours about the architecture. I really miss her. 

The school, well it's not really a school it's more of a castle, was like a monster truck in a parking lot of motorcycles. It stuck out and was impossible to miss. I heard a squid in the lake, Hello My Lord, it has been a very long time since I had met a child of the sea.

I replied back in my head, Hi giant squid, I promise I will visit you later.

I kept walking. As we stepped into the doors, Hagrid, a half-giant that I met in Diagon Alley, told me to come with the first years. I said bye to my brother, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Ava and followed the little eleven year olds. 

We stepped into a room. An old lady named Professor McGonagall, told me to wait for the rest of the kids to go first. She would then called me out as an exchange student from America.  I nodded my head and the first years walked out of the door. I stood there as I heard names and random words being called out from the other side. 

Finally, I heard McGonagall say that there was going to be an exchange student. I took that as my que and opened the door. What I saw amazed me. I saw four tables full of students, all wearing different colors. At the head of the room was a table full of teachers. Great, more people for me to piss off. In front of teachers table sat a worn hat on a three legged stool. 

"Perseus Jackson." Called McGonagall.

"It's Percy." I corrected her. I walked down the long hall. When I was fifteen feet away from the hat, seams opened up and it started talking. Well, yelling. 


"Thank you for that interesting development. Because I don't know how lucky I am to be alive." I said sarcastically. 

Everyone in the hall was silent. Finally, Ava and Harry yelled, "Percy, over here!"

I quickly walked to my friends. 

I guess it's not everyday that a talking hat yells to someone how lucky they are to be alive.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. Dumbledore cleared his throat. ( In this he is still alive. So it is before the 6th book.) He gave a short speech and said some weird words. 

Time Skip

After dinner, I was walking out with everyone when I heard Dumbledore call my name. I told my friends to go on without me and I waited for everyone else to leave. 

Once they all left, I walked up to Dumbledore. "Yes sir?" I asked him.

"Perseus, I know who you are. I know what you have done. I know what you have been through. So that is why I was wondering if you would be willing to teach a class. With the threat of Voldemort, I have realized that not all fights can be won through magic. Some have to be fought physically, with weapons. So I was wondering if you could teach a new class called Defenseless Against the Dark Arts, to help students with one-on-one combat. Using a weapon. I'll even get you some help from your camp. Oh, and yes, I know about your camp. I have been friends with Chiron for years. Also, I'm a son of Hecate."

I paused before answering. Then I said, "I would love to teach a class."

"Good. You can sit at the teachers table for breakfast tomorrow. Now, good night." He told me.

I nodded and left.

When I got the the Gryffindor common room, I saw Harry and Ava sitting on the couch. "Hey guys. What are you doing up so late?" I asked them.

"Oh, hey Percy. We were waiting for you. Why did Dumbledore want to talk to you?" Ava asked.

"It's a surprise, you'll find out tomorrow." I told them.

We all said goodbye and headed to our rooms. I had my own room, their were four bedrooms, all of them reminded me of my friends. Maybe I can ask the headmistress if they can visit, I thought. 

I stood in front of a door that said Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase

Huh, I wonder why it has Annabeth's name on it? Maybe for if she visits?

I opened the door and walked into the room. It was amazing!

It had dark blue walls with a wave pattern, and little owls randomly placed. The floor was a light grey carpet. The bed was light grey, with blue designs and dark blue and grey pillows. There were two desks. One was on the right side of the room and the other was on the left side. The one on the right was beachwood and the drawers were dark blue. It had stationary with little waves on it and had a dark blue quill. The one on the left side was a dark grey with little owls on the drawers. There was stationary that had owls on it. There was, weirdly,  architecture blueprints. Ones that Wisegirl would love to see. There were two doors inside the room. One that was dark blue and one that was grey with wave designs. I opened the dark blue one and saw a bathroom. It had dark grey tile on the floor and dark blue tiled walls. The shower was white, dark blue, and grey. The mirror had a rim designed with owls.  The other door was a closet, which was surprisingly big. Half of it was a variety of blues with waves, the other half was a variety of greys, similar to the blue side, with owls. 

All in all, the room was perfect.

I changed into some pajamas and laid down in the bed. I started thinking about how perfect the room was. It was such a perfect combination of Annabeth and I. 

With that, I fell asleep thinking about my Wisegirl. 

Hey guys!!! So, I am so proud of myself because this is the LONGEST chapter I have Ever written!!!

Well, thank you so much for reading and please comment if you have any suggestions!!

Word Count=1239 


Oh and this chapter is dedicated to Anaklusmos_15, who is Ava Parker. Hope you like it!

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