Chapter Nine

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Annabeth's POV

Niece? Percy has a niece? But, I'm his fiance, why didn't he tell me? First I find out he has a twin, now I find out he has a niece? I sighed. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Annabeth." I told the girl.

She looked me over and said, "Oh I know. Uncle P never shuts up about how gorgeous or smart or dangerous the love of his life is." 

I felt heat rush up to my face and I slowly nodded. I glanced over at Percy and saw him as red as me. 

"Shut up Victoria." Percy muttered. I silently chuckled at his dispense. "Hey, where your sister?" 

Victoria groaned and turned back towards Percy. "She's hanging with dad. I always knew he loved her more, but he says, 'No, of course not, you're both my girls.' Yeah, well screw you dad!" Victoria yelled to the sky. Percy just laughed. Victoria replied by sticking her tongue out at him. 

"Wait, so you have a sister?" Harry asked Victoria. She nodded.

Victoria's POV

I started to explain my sister to them. Ah, my sister. She got everything from dad. She was tan, really gorgeous. Her eyes are just like dads, a cold ice blue that looks great with her long black hair. She is kind of a goody two shoes, while I'm more like Uncle P with my humor and mischievous attitude. Seriously, my sister is gorgeous. She has curves, looks, and is smart. My dad says he doesn't have a favorite, but I know that she is. 

"What's her name?" A boy with red hair asked. 

I groaned again and replied, "Calista. Calista Ocheana." 

I saw Annabeth's look of confusion. "Yes Annabeth?" She looked up at me like forgot I was here. 

"What?" She asked me, her face showing one of utter and pure confusion. I sighed and asked her what's wrong. "I just- I hate not knowing things. So when you just find out that your fiance's brother has two daughters, well, my mind is trying not to become Mt. St. Helens." I nodded and then added,

"Then your about to hate what I'm about to say." She looked at me with even MORE confusion in her eyes. "I have two brothers also. Their names are Aquarius and Hydrus. Aquarius  looks like Dad and Calista, while Hydrus looks more like Mom. But Hydrus is more like Dad and Aquarius is more like Uncle P. You know, funny, mischievous, weird. All of those." Uncle P pouted. 

I thought of my brothers. They were both named after constellations, Aquarius means the Water Bearer and Hydrus means the Male Water Snake. 

Aquarius was fun to be around. He had jet black hair, it was tamed, unlike Percy's. The tips were icy blue and and shark blue. His eyes were were icy blue, but you could see the mirth and life in his eyes. He was tan, like the rest of my family. He loved pulling pranks with either me, Uncle P,   or the Hermes cabin, mostly the Stolls. Everyone loves him. 

Unlike my other brother.

Hydrus is boring and cold. And no, not the temperature cold, but the emotionally cold. He looked like mom, but was too much like dad. He had my cappuccino skin and brown eyes, but his eyes were cold and icy. He was boring, and a little nerdy. He was a know-it-all, and showed it. 

"You okay?" I saw a hand wave in front of my face. I screamed and whipped out my spoon and slapped the red head on the face. He yelled out in pain and I held my chest, trying to slow my heart. "Why did you hit me?!" The boy yelled.

"Well if you hadn't scared me then I wouldn't have hit you!" I yelled back. Everyone was staring at me, except Percy, who was rolling on the floor laughing. "What?"

"Why do you have a spoon in your pocket?" Draco asked. 

I stared at him in stupidly, as if the answer was obvious. "In case I get attacked or hungry. Duh."

"Okay then." Hermione said, obviously awkward.


Hey guys!!!

I finally updated! I'm sorry it took so long! So, this story is again, dedicated to TheSkyElf , who is still Victoria. If you want to be in the story, just go to the Character Raffle and fill it out. 

Okay, so I'll try to update soon!


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