9. Heartbroken (Edited)

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First of all, I'd just like to give a super huge shout out to @katelowans , @alexisblackmon26 , & @Jess71914 for voting! It means the absolute world to me and I could not thank you all enough!!!


Autumn and I sat in class side by side, as our Calculus teacher wrote problems on the board for us to finish. For the most part, the atmosphere of the room was fairly quiet, that is until we broke up into partners and worked on the problems together.

"Okay, can we just talk about Friday night?" Autumn asked, desperation in her voice.

Even though Friday night had been one of the best nights of my life it had also been one of the most disappointing as well. Because after Aiden had spilled his beer all over Evan, I never got the chance to talk to him again.

I sighed. "What about it?"

"You talked to Evan! Like an entire conversation! Is that not a big deal to you?!"

Now that she had explained it out loud, I couldn't help the small smile that began to form on my face. "It was kinda nice," I smiled, before a frown replaced it as I remembered what happened, "at least until Aiden spilled his beer on him."

"Wait, what? You didn't tell me that!"

"Everything was going great, perfect even. First, we bonded on our mutual distaste for drinking. Then, we somehow started talking about Aiden. And then ..." I looked at Autumn, the smile on my face only growing, "... he called me beautiful, Autumn! And said that he missed talking to me!"

Autumn squealed and I swear people were probably thinking she was mentally challenged. We looked around for a second, before lowering our voices.

"I told you! I told you he's never stopped liking you!"

Despite Autumn's statement and everything that Evan had revealed to me, I still wasn't convinced. Even though I was beyond ecstatic that he had called me beautiful ... I still wasn't convinced. Anyone can call someone beautiful, but that doesn't mean they like each other. That's like saying that a girl who compliments another girl likes her.

That's obviously not true.

I shook my head as I looked at Autumn.

"You still aren't convinced." she said, and it was more of a statement than a question.


Just as she was about to open her mouth again the bell rang, signaling the end of the period and the beginning of lunch. I quickly gathered all my things, Autumn following quickly behind me as we made our way through the crowded halls and to the west side of the building. I tried to keep to the right side, against the lockers, but people kept pushing me from behind.

"Can't you walk any faster?!" some kid yelled from behind me as I looked at Autumn.

"I can't make the traffic go any faster!" though I'm not sure if I was saying it to the kid behind me or to Autumn.

I heard the boy behind me groan in frustration, but before I could get another word out, I felt his forearms shove into my backside, before toppling forward. Autumn tried to catch me before I could fall face first onto the ground, but I was instead, caught by someone else: Evan Andrews.

"Woah!" he said, quickly grabbing my waist before I could fall face first on the ground.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as his hands held my waist, the tingles from his touch causing my stomach to flip upside down multiple times. Had Evan Andrews really just saved me from toppling to my death? I had a feeling that if he held me longer I'd probably melt in his arms, so thank God when he finally guided me to an upright position.

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