9.5. Heartbroken (Edited)

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My eyes were still puffy as I sat in the library, studying for AP, meanwhile Aiden sat there quietly, working on his English essay that I helped him begin. He wasn't saying anything or doing anything stupid because I think he knew I wasn't in the mood for it. In fact, I felt him gaze up at me every once in a while, like he wanted to say something, but he never did.

After I'd seen Evan with Gabby I went to the bathroom and practically balled my eyes out for the rest of the lunch period. I locked myself in the stall for a good hour, feeling the most confused I'd felt in my entire life. After everything Evan and I had talked about at the party, I thought we were finally moving forward. I thought the days of us, avoiding each other and dancing around what we really wanted to say were over...but I guess not.

I was thankful that Aiden wasn't trying to be difficult today. It meant a lot to know that he could at least respect my feelings. Other than he and I exchanging a few words, we just worked for most of the time. I could feel the tension between us, but I didn't try to break it. I wasn't in the mood to talk about anything. I just wanted to get this tutor session over with, so I could go home and ball my eyes out some more.

Aiden threw his pencil down on the table, abruptly standing up, his tall figure towering over me. "Okay—that's it," he held his hand out to me, "come on."

I looked at him, my eyes still puffy. "What?" I whispered, my eyes still puffy.

"Get up," he repeated, matter-of-factly.


In that moment, Aiden didn't seem in the mood for any type of argument or bantering like we usually did. He began to gather my things, shutting my Biology book, stuffing my colored pens into my pen pouch, placing my papers back into my folder, and stuffing everything into my backpack.

"What are you doing?" I asked, just wanting to finish this tutor session so I could go home and cry some more.

He grabbed my backpack, along with his and threw it over his shoulder. "I'm taking you somewhere fun,"

"Aiden no—!"

"No, no, no, no!" he said. "Don't feed me that shit about how you have to study for AP and go do a bunch of chores, okay? You need a break, Emery. You study too damn much!"


He didn't bother listening to anything else I had to say after that, he simply grabbed my hand and pulled me upright, before dragging me along with him to wherever we were going. At this point, there was absolutely no arguing with him despite my many attempts. He just ended up ignoring me completely until we finally made it to his car.

Although everything that had happened today had my spirits down, driving around town with Aiden, with the windows rolled down and the gentle breeze blowing through my hair, did manage to life my spirits some. I had absolutely no clue where we were going, but all knew in that moment, was that I think I was smiling.

I turned to look at Aiden, "Where are we going?!" I asked.

He shook his head, a small smirk on his face indicating he had no intentions of telling me anything, which I rolled my eyes at. This boy could be so absolutely annoying sometimes.

We drove for a few more minutes through the small town that was Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. My head was turned so that I could look out the window and watch as the buildings passed us by. We went through the center of town where Bloomsburg University was located and the fancy Papaleno's Restaurant, home of the world's best pizza. No one could top it. And then finally we arrived at our destination, which just so happened to be Grand Central Park, located right in the heart and center of the town.

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