32. The After Party (Edited)

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* listen to this song while reading the chapter if you want to cry your eyes out 

As soon as the show had ended, everyone was invited to the gym where the room was decorated lavishly. The ceiling was adorned with twinkling icicle lights to help signify Christmas and there were silver moons hanging from the ceiling to give the room a midnight feel. The bleachers had been pulled out to allow adequate seating for those who wished to sit, and there were refreshment tables on opposite ends of the gym. The fruity, sweet smell of raspberry and punch lingered on my nose as we entered the gym, and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe the punch was spiked, considering the amount of guys standing around drinking it. The DJ was set up in the corner, with the familiar sound of Alex & Sierra playing in the background.

Before Aiden and I had arrived, we greeted both his parents and my father. Amanda had made a huge fuss of how beautiful I looked, meanwhile Chad was cracking jokes the entire time. My dad, on the other hand, looked like he was on the verge of tears when he saw me. He spent a good ten minutes telling me just how proud of me he was, before he whisked Aiden away to have a discussion with him. I have no idea what he said to him, but I really hope it had nothing to do with his shotgun.

The gym was packed, both with contestants who had participated in the show and those who had been in the audience. Still, everyone was dressed up in formal wear, using the after—party as an excuse to dress up and dance.

Because Aiden and I had stopped to talk to our parents we arrived a bit late to the after—party, where everyone could be seen already dancing. In fact, Autumn, Riley, Blake, and Carter, could be seen dancing away in the middle of the gym and Aiden and I didn't hesitate to join them.

"Hey! You guys finally made it!" Autumn laughed.

"Yeah, what'd you guys stop to make out a little more?!" Blake grinned as I shot him a glare.

Carter and Riley laughed as I just shook my head, the ghost of a smile on my face.

Aiden pulled me close as we danced, whispering in my ear. "I wish that's what we'd done."

I felt my cheeks burn red as I smacked him on the arm.

This boy.

He merely chuckled.

The six of us danced a little more, before the music switched over to a slow song and Aiden didn't hesitate to pull me close to him, my hand in his and his other on the small of my back. Perfect by Ed Sheeran began playing in the background as I looked up into Aiden's eyes. I can't even begin to describe the way he looked at me in that moment. It had my heart stopping right in my chest.

I couldn't bear to look back into his eyes for fear that I might pass out, so I placed my head softly on his chest, my hand on his shoulder as we swayed.

The moment was absolutely perfect.

"Em," he whispered.

I pulled out of his chest and looked up at him.

"I need to tell you something."

I gulped, my heart beating out of my chest as I watched his eyes. Watched as his eyes clouded over with an emotion I'd never seen on his face before. He looked as if he was struggling, debating whether or not to say something.

I was suddenly terrified of what he was about to say next. But just as he opened his mouth to speak we were interrupted.

"Mind if I have a dance?"

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