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First off, to the boy that inspired this story. I spent so many years of my life thinking about you, but thank you for showing me that, in the end, you weren't the person I was supposed to be with. I learned so much about myself over the course of time that I knew you, but the most important thing I what I deserve. And I know now that I deserved better than what you could offer.

To my wonderful family, mom, dad, and Patrick. I know I spent a lot of time holed up in my room, and you all were probably wondering what I was doing all the time, but when I told you that I had started writing a book, I received nothing but support from all of you. Thank you for always asking about the progress of my story, when it was going to be finished, and even just answering random questions I had while writing. Thank you so much for encouraging me and believing in me even when I couldn't. From the bottom of my heart, you three will always be my home no matter how far in the world we are. I love you.

Ally, my best friend. Wherever you are right now, I hope you know that you will always have my friendship and love, no matter how far away you go. I love and miss you. Thank you so much for pushing me to share my message with the world. You will always be the girl that dropped her ice cream cone that day in the driveway when we met. No matter what, you will always be my best friend.

To my other best friend, Connor, where do I even begin? The first time I told you that I was writing a book I remember days where you begged me endlessly about letting you read it. I'm so glad that I let you. You've offered me nothing but unending support and encouragement and for that I will always be thankful. Thank you for always believing in me. You're the one best friend that I don't deserve.

Hannah H. You were the first person to ever read my book, and I can't tell you how grateful I will always be. You inspired me to make my story the very best that it could be, even when I was ready to let it go. It wasn't until the day that I printed my story out for you, all 345 pages of it, that I realized what an amazing accomplishment I had achieved. Thank you for teaching me to believe and trust in myself. You will always be my very favorite bus buddy.

Hannah F. This book was finished when I met you, but I still want to thank you. You were always so sweet and kind, offering the best words of encouragement. You never stopped supporting me and for that I will always be thankful. Please never stop being who you are.

To my favorite newspaper pals, I will never forget you guys. Without each and every one of you encouraging me, I don't think this book would have ever been completed. Oh, and how could I forget you Mrs. Patterson? Thank you for letting me waste 300 pages of paper in your classroom on my book, haha.

Last but not least, to my faithful Wattpad readers. Thank you all so much for continually returning to vote, comment, and show your support. Without the encouraging and uplifting environment you all create, the success of this book would never have been possible. Thank you all so much for sticking with me until the end. I will never forget you all.

With love always,


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