4: Nerd And Kisses

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That's the way everyone called me on the hallways. I was passing every class with a ninety-or-above and walked into the library between periods, never imagining what a nickname I would get. "Ignore those dumbasses that only find ways to make people feel bad," Holly said to me as we walked on the hallways. "Hi, Nerd," a random girl said. "Jean, close that ass before something crawls up into your hole and confuses it as a cave!" Holly shouted at the girl. The girl, Jean, covered her mouth with both hands as everyone laughed.

During class I just wanted to leave cause everything was boring. So I asked for a restroom break. "Don't take long," the teacher warned me. I walked out the classroom and headed to the empty hallways. I wasn't going back to class. I sat behind a 'Don't Do Drugs!' sign were someone wouldn't find me.


I turned around and saw the blonde guy — Jason.  "Hi," I said. "Skipping class, huh?" He said as he sat next to me. "Yeah," I answered. The fact that my crush sat next to me was mind blowing! I was feeling awkward. "Same," he said looking away. We sat there for a good 2 minutes before he said, "Wanna go somewhere else?" I didn't have nothing to do so I agreed. "Where?" I asked. "Just follow me," he instructed. He ran out the main door of the school with me behind him. He proceed to the football field near our school.

"Here," he said once we were under the metal bleachers. We sat down. "I'll be right back," he said and ran away. He then came with two, red Powerade drinks. "Where did you got these from?" I asked him as I opened mine. "The coach always leaves some on his office," he said as he took a deep drink. I heard a whistle and boys started running around the field without seeing us. "The seniors athletic boys," Jason said. They were more muscular and masculine.

"So your name is...?" Jason asked. "You don't know my name and you invited me here?" I laughed. "Well, I'm not good at memorizing names," Jason smiled. "Lucas," I responded. "Jason," he said. "Is it time?" I asked. "Nah, 15 more minutes," Jason said as he checked his watch. "Have a... girlfriend?" Jason asked. I could feel my cheeks burning. "No," I said. Silence. "Do you?" I asked him as I looked at the ground. He looked at my eyes and smiled. "Would it matter?" He said. "I don't think so," I replied. "I don't," he answered.

"What?!" I asked louder than I meant to.

"What?" He laughed. "I mean, look at you. You're the definition of sexiness. Like, damn- !" And I stopped. What have I said??? I regretted to myself. I was too afraid to look at Jason's reaction. "You're cute, Lucas. Way too cute," he said leaning towards me. And what I thought would never happen happened...

We kissed.


Yep, I know what you're thinking right now. They kissed!

Another thing, I know some of y'all are like, 'Wow. That was fast,' but incase you haven't read the tags it says FAST-PACED... and let's say it's a REALLY fast one :)

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