6: Virginity and Swings

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JASON WAS ALREADY under the bleachers when I arrived. "Hi," he said, smiling. "Hi," I answered back. "So what did you wanted me for...?" I asked him. He scratch the back of his head. "Well, I wanted to ask you..." he struggled for the words. "Ask me what?" I insisted. He said something fast that I didn't catch. "What?" I said with a smile.

"Would you go out with me?" He finally said.

That's new! "We barely know each other?" I said. "Yeah, but I can't stop thinking about you since the time you fell on top of me!" He said embarrassed. "Oh," I simply said. "And?" He said with red cheeks and nervous smile. "Is this a prank?" I questioned. "No! No! This is not a prank!" He said raising his hands. "Jason," I said. He looked at me. "Prove that you have a crush on me," I said. "I don't have a crush on you, I love you," he said. "Love is kinda too soon, don't you think?" I asked him. "Just prove me something, okay?" I insisted. Suddenly, he was kissing me hard on my lips.

I quickly pushed him away. "Not like that!" I yelled. He looked confused. "Show me by your actions, you know," I said. "Oops, sorry. Okay, I'll prove you that I'm totally in love with you!" He said firmly like it was a big mission. "Okay," I said and walked away from him.


I turned around and looked at Jason. "What?" I asked. "Don't you want to do something fun?" He said as he put both hands on his pants' pockets. "Sure. Why not?" I said and he smiled.

We ended in the park swinging on the swings. "So why did you thought this was a prank?" Jason asked as he swung higher. "Well, since you are popular anyone can just mess around with the least popular. And what if you weren't even gay?" I said as I stopped swinging. "Lucas, I truly love you. Like a lot!" He said and I laughed. "What?" He said smiling. "Never has anyone confessed me their love for me like you do," I said staring deep into his eyes. "I'll always will. In the mornings, evenings, afternoons and nights. Enough to remind you that someone loves you way more than you can think," he said sweetly. Awww. Is he always like this?

"Can I ask you something?" I said to Jason. "Anything," he assured. "Are you in the closet?" I said and his swinging stopped. He looked at the grass underneath us and answered, "Yeah." I remained silent for a moment until Jason broke it. "Lucas, are you in the closet?" He asked. "I haven't told my parents yet, but I know that they know cause I'm pretty obvious. So, I guess I'm not in the closet," I answered. "Can I ask you a personal question this time?" He continued. "Yep," I laughed.

"Are you a virgin?"

Those words knocked me off the swing and I jumped high landing in the grass. "Lucas!" Jason ran to me and checked I was fine. "Are you alright?" He worried. "Yeah. The grass burned my knees, though. But I'm fine," I said with an assuring smile.

Jason ended walking me home as the moon was already out. Once in my sidewalk, I answered, "I'm still a virgin." He was on the other side of the fence as we were talking. "I am too!" He said excitedly. "Unbelievable!" I joked with him. "Lucas...?" He said quietly this time. "Now what, Jason?" I said with a short laugh. "Can I take your virginity?" He said quietly. He did not just say that! I wouldn't mind, though. I mean, look at him! - LUCAS, QUIT IT! I spoke in my mind.

"Bye, Jason," is all I said as I started walking home. "You haven't answered my question yet?" He yelled from behind me. I laughed. "Goodnight," I yelled at him as I closed the door behind me. Smiling, I went to sleep.


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