14: The Game's On!

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THE FOOTBALL GAME was here! I wore a green shirt to represent my school, like Holly did. She wanted us to arrive early so we could get on the very front of the bleachers. I was actually quite excited to be here cause the noise and excitement made me happy. But I looked under the bleachers and realized this was were Jason and I first kissed. I wasn't letting that make me sad, though!

"This is gonna be great! And Jason is an amazing football player!" Holly assured me.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"I've seen him before!" She yelled in excitement.

I laughed.

The game began and I wasn't paying attention. The only thing I couldn't take my eyes off was Jason's body. Damn, he was hot! But he isn't mine anymore. At one point he noticed me. He had the football in his arm, but the distraction got him tackled. The whole crowd said the same thing, "Ouch!"

"That must have hurt him," Holly said as she stuffed popcorn in her mouth.

"Really?" I asked her. He worried me!

"Yep," she said without caring about him.

The game continued and our school was doing pretty great because we were winning! Jason scored most of the touchdowns which made sound like a cheesy thing to say, but it was true. He seemed worried, though. I could see it in his face and eyes. He probably doesn't want you to be here My inside voice said. I'm beginning to hate that voice in me!

The game ended and the whole crowd began cheering. "The game's over?!" I asked Holly. She looked at me like with a are you serious?! face on. "Lucas, weren't you paying attention?" She asked. "Nope," I answered awkwardly. She slapped her face and then laughed. "It's fine," she said.

My eyes suddenly caught Jason who ran to get a microphone. He ran back to the middle of the field and said, "Hello!" The crowd cheered more! "What's wrong with him?!" I said with a short giggle. "I have no idea!" Holly said. "I want to share y'all some news!" He yelled through the microphone. What is he about to do? I questioned myself. The whole crowd listened to him carefully.

"I want every single one of you to know the person that stole my heart!" Jason announced.


Little cliffhanger there ;)

2 chapters in a day, I know! I'm crazy! And also, I know almost nothing about football incase you were wondering why I didn't explain the game specifically :/

Another thing, I feel like the song that fits this book the most is 'TOO GOOD by Troye Sivan.'

The next chapter will be the last and it'll be released tomorrow! I'll try to make it great!

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