Chapter 27 - James

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"What do you mean, Julie can't come?"

I'm so pissed right now, I want to reach through the phone and shake the hell out of that poor excuse of a mother. Since the laws of physics prevent me from doing so though, I resort to yelling. And I must say, I'm pretty good at it. However, it doesn't do anything to cool my anger and frustration with that woman.

"We have an important brunch to attend," Fiona explains calmly in her snobbish tone. "And afterwards, we're invited to the Clarks'. Julie can't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet them. You know how influential they are. Besides, they have a son her age."

Dear Lord, tell me she's kidding, please tell me she is not serious. "Tell me you are not trying to do what I think you're doing."

She giggles sheepishly. "Why not? This family is very wealthy and has an excellent reputation. It is only in Julie's best interest."

Oh that fucking bitch. She is not going to play matchmaker for my 7 year old daughter, I will not let that happen.

"No." That's all I hiss, while trying to figure out what to do about this outrageous plan of hers to find Julie a potential husband.

"Well, my darling," she sings through the line. "This is not for you to decide. She is my daughter and I do what I think is best for her. And in this case, Laurel is best."

Laurel? Come on, give me a break here.

"Julie is my daughter, too, and must I remind you that you will not decide for her for very long?"

She laughs but I can tell she is furious. "Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention that my lawyer has received that ludicrous letter of yours. I didn't think you would actually go through with it. But since you have to prove your point in such a childish manner, let me tell you this - you might as well throw your money out the window. There is no way anyone will take my kid away from me. I have the best attorney in the city and he reassured me that your allegations are unfounded. I'm keeping my child, James, no matter what you do. You won't get her and actually, I have also decided that you will not see her again. You are not a good influence, you're only trying to ruin her life by trying to take her away from her mother. Every judge in this country will agree with me. I'm keeping her and you are to stay away from her as far as possible. Are we understood?"

I think I'm hearing things. I am, right? Not see my baby? Who the hell is she to keep me away from the light of my life? This woman has already taken everything I had. My family, my best friend, my money, my happiness, my home. She is not going to take the one thing that is left for me in this world. She is not taking Julie, not my Julie, my one and only Julie.

"Listen," I growl as intimidatingly as I can. "Just because you spread your legs for your lawyer doesn't ensure your winning the case. We both know you don't care anything for her well-being, you don't give a shit about what she wants. All you care about are the fucking dollar bills that rule your pretentious life. You don't tell me when or if I can see my daughter, you don't tell me anything. I'm taking her and there's nothing you or your sex-crazed lawyer can do about it. Why don't you try fucking the judge, I'm sure that'll convince him."

Her voice turns all frosty now, I can almost feel the icicles forming on my phone. "So," she snarls. "You talk to me about inappropriate sex? Well then, why don't we chat a little about your little office slut?"

Alright, that is enough. I'm about to completely lose it with her. "You leave my assistant out of this ..."

"Or what?" she cuts me off. "Did she tell you about my conversation with her? I thought I'd do her a favor and enlighten her that you have a family. Hope you don't mind."

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