Chapter 28 - James

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The Clark's house is pretentious as can be. I frown as I walk up the steps to the colossal front door to ring. It's just as pretentious as my ex-wife, so it shouldn't surprise me that she wants to sell our daughter to those snobs.

"Oh!" The maid is surely taken aback at the sight of me. "Mr. Marlow!"

Instead of greeting her, I just nod. Will she let me in? Right now, it seems she is not quite sure what to do, since she keeps standing there in the door, staring at me in disbelief. I wait a few more seconds, hoping she will make up her mind and lead me into the house.

Nothing happens.

"The front porch is very lovely and if I had more time I'd certainly appreciate standing here and taking in the beautiful view, but for now, I'd rather see Malcolm, if that's possible."

"Um," the maid stutters. "Mr. Marlow, I ... You know ..."

"What is it, Kate? I really don't have all day." I realize I should be more polite but all I want is to get into that damn house.

She bites her pretty lips and leans forward before she whispers, "Your wife is here."

"Yeah," my hand waves in a dismissive gesture. "I'm aware of that."

Kate seems to contemplate if it is the right thing to do to let me in but then steps aside and offers to take my coat.

Finally! I hand it to her and strut right into the dining area.

All eyes are on me as I enter. And there she is, looking like a Mattel toy. My little girl.

"Daddy!" She is the first one to break the awkward silence. Julie jumps up from her chair and runs straight to me, throwing her small arms around me. I crouch down to lift her up.

"How is my little princess?"

"Great!" She shouts overly excited. "I missed you, daddy! Mommy said that you had to work today and couldn't come see us."

"Oh," I snarl, my blood beginning to boil already. "Did she?"

I glance over to the huge mahogany dinner table to find Fiona's confused stare.

"Yes," Fiona mumbles, lowering her eyes and resorting to rearranging her silverware nervously. "Daddy is always busy, Honey. Businessmen have a lot of work."

I tilt my head in annoyance at her but remain silent. My look should say it all.

"James!" The woman of the house rises from one of those blue upholstered chairs to meet me.

Her voice sounds friendly and pleasantly surprised by my unannounced visit, but I know those people too well to be fooled.

"How nice to see you. It's been too long."

She offers me one of her ring-studded hands and I have to let Julie down in order to accept her greeting. Fucking manners. I should just hold on to my girl and ignore the witch, but Dad would turn around in his grave if he knew that I was even only contemplating throwing my manners out the window; manners he worked so hard on to instill in me. Don't worry, Dad, I won't let those braggarts forget that you taught me well.

Nevertheless, it takes a whole lot of effort to fake a smile.

"Susanne. Yes, it has been a long time. How are you doing?"

"Oh," she presses her red lipsticked mouth together into some sort of pout. Looks painful, which I'm sure it is, given the irrational amount of plastic surgery she's undergone. "Just fine. What brings you here?"

Now my smile isn't fake anymore. Here it is, my chance to save my Julie from the claws of those matchmakers.

"I heard about your ... " I look for Malcolm who is still seated at the table, across from a still shocked Fiona, and next to his 10 year old strawberry blonde boy, eying me curiously. Holding his gaze, I slowly finish my sentence, indulging in his exasperated expression. "Your hardship."

In an instant, Fiona stands and ushers Julie out of the room. "Why don't you go find something to play?"

"But, but, Mommy," she complains in a whiny tone.

"No but," Fiona hisses briskly. "Go play. And take Laurel with you."

With disappointed faces both kids scuffle out of the dining room.

As soon as they're out of sight, Fiona growls at me. "What are you talking about, James?"

"Yes." Malcolm stands now, too, all red in the face. "What are you talking about ... James?" He spits out my name like it was poisonous.

I play innocent. "I heard your company is facing some financial issues. I'm here to offer my help."

Susanne swirls around to throw her old man a deadly look. "What does that mean, Malcolm? What kind of financial issues?"

"Nothing, Honey." His attempt to calm his wife by petting her shoulder fails miserably. She shrugs it off.

"Explain to me what he means!"

Malcolm is a huge guy, in every aspect of the word. He is very tall and also extremely heavy. Usually, he is also a very quiet man, very reserved and nothing can shake his composure. Nothing except this. I called him out. In front of everyone; he is so pissed I'm afraid he might lunge at me. If his deep red face won't explode first, that is. Wow, I can even see the vein on his neck; it is protruding and pulsating dangerously.

Man, it is so hard to suppress the smirk I feel inside, but I'm not going to enlighten them that I'm actually enjoying every second of this spectacle here. Instead, I help out poor Miss Susanne to some much needed information. See, I'm always eager to help whenever and wherever I can.

"Your husband's company has been struggling for a while now, which is not unusual. We all struggle at some point. But the deal with Warren Malcolm invested so much time and money in just fell through. I received word of it about an hour ago, so I came here to offer my support."

My eyes wander to Malcolm who clearly has trouble containing himself.

"I'm sorry, Malcolm. I know that this deal was your last chance to save the business."

I let that information sink in with all of them. God, I feel like jumping up and down, cheering and laughing like a maniac. Yes, it feels this good. Can't stand those people, not one of them.

Finally, I continue, fake empathy dripping from my words.

"If you want, we can go to your office, talk about the possibility to fuse."

"You fucking asshole," Malcolm yells, his fists clenched, ready to take a swing at me. "We're going nowhere. YOU are going to leave this house. Now. I don't want to see your fucking face anywhere near my family ever again, you hear me?"

"As you wish." I shrug my shoulders and turn to leave. Before I'm out of the door, though, I shout back at him over my shoulder. "If you change your mind, you have my number."

Elated and in high spirits I see Fiona lift Julie into the backseat of her car as I'm backing out of the driveway. Mission accomplished.

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