Chapter 6

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Water instantly fills my lungs, suffocating me from the inside. I panic.


"Dad, dad! Come swim with me!"

I splash in the kiddy section, trying to get his attention. He looks up at me with his big blue eyes.

"Not now Scarlett, I'm working."

He looks back down at his laptop. I climb out of the pool and walk over to the big kid's side. Bending over, I watch my reflection as my straight wet hair falls over my shoulders. It clings to my face.

"Dad look! See my beard?"

He mumbles an 'uh huh', not looking up from his laptop. I lean back over the water to look at myself.

I lean in more for a better look, but next thing I know I'm in the water. Fear fills me, I can't swim in the big kid's side alone, and dad never put on my floaties. Thrashing around in the water, I start to scream.

"Dad! Dad!"

No one comes, and I start to sink. I continue screaming underneath, water filling me up. I can't breath. The fear starts to slowly pass as my head starts to feel fuzzy. I feel my eyes slowly close.

I'm abruptly ripped from the water; but it's still in me. I can feel it come out as I cough. I look up to see mom crying while she's holding me. I look over to dad and he's still sitting there, but watching us now.

"How dare you? How dare you just sit there and watch that happen? What if I hadn't gotten here in time? What kind of excuse for a father are you?" Mom screams at him

Dad looks at me, "She had to learn how to swim sometime."

**End Flashback**

Kicking as hard as I can, I'm able to reach the surface without the use of my arms. Once I'm free, I gasp for air, and begin to backpedal towards an obscure shoreline near the inflatable. I finally reach where I can touch, and I sprint full throttle to get out. I pace over to a nearby tree, arms still crossed over my untied top, and lean my shoulder against it. I'm trying to slow down my adrenaline boosted breathing, when I hear the cracking of sticks behind me. I don't even bother to turn around.

"Go away," I mutter.

"Scarlett, why did you freak out so badly?" Damon asks.

No, I am definitely not telling him. I can feel hot tears start to pool in my eyes.

"Just leave me alone," I say with an assertive quiver.

"Scarlett, please...," Damon quietly says, with a trace of something completely unusual in it: worry.

Tears run down my face, but I don't look at him. I won't let him see me like this. I don't have some irrational fear of water now or anything, but that fleeting moment in the lake brought back what, and who, I'd rather forget.


"When I was 6 my dad let me almost drown because he refused to get his sorry ass up from his computer to come help me, okay! My mom came in barely in time to save me; he didn't do a damn thing! He just let me sink."

I stand with my back to him, and let the tears roll down my cheeks. After a minute, I hear the crunching of leaves as Damon walks towards me. I wait for him to laugh or make a joke, but he doesn't. Instead, I feel his hands graze my back as he reties my strings. Then, he does something even more unexpected. I feel Damon's arms wrap around my waist as he swiftly pulls me flush against him, in a hug from behind. I feel my cheeks darken and my heartbeat quicken.

"Damon, what--?"

"I'm sorry Scar," he whispers, hushing me.

We stand there for a minute. Slowly, I feel myself relax in him. His head leans on mine, burying his nose in my hair. My tears stop flowing, but I'm left with silent sniffles. After a bit, Damon turns me around, and I turn my head away knowing full well how awful I look after crying. He grabs my chin, though, and pulls my face in his direction. I look into his green concern filled eyes as he wipes away a remaining tear. What mysterious side of Damon Black is this?

"I don't enjoy seeing you cry, so knock it off."

I can't help but laugh; Damon's back.

"Yes sir," I say sarcastically, and salute him with a middle finger.

"Don't push it Scar, I can cut off the sentiments very quickly," he growls.

We walk back up to camp, and start to head our separate ways, when I hear him mutter something quietly.

"By the way, nice suit, but it's a shame it didn't float all the way off."

Then, he saunters off and enters his tent. I don't believe my face could deepen any more shades than it is.

"Pervert!" I yell out, and stomp towards my tent's direction.



Sorry for the shorter chapter, but you can expect a long and intense chapter coming up next!

stay rad.

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