Chapter 26

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"Levi, you're hurting me."

I try to stay as calm as possible, because I'm not sure what he'll do next, while I look for a window of opportunity. I kick him hard in the shin, hoping it'll cause him to release my hand, but instead he just locks my legs with his and grabs my other arm instinctively. The alcohol and adrenaline must be diluting the pain. My attack didn't work, and now I'm completely immobile.

"So what is it about me that's just so damn awful?"

"Nothing, we're just friends is all."

"You know," he staggers a bit, causing me to stumble with him, "All the guys make fun of me because I still haven't gotten you to sleep with me yet; they think you won't go for me again, but you will. I always get my way."

My temper flares at his comment, and I can't help but lash out a little, "So that's all I've been to you lately! Your next toy?"

His eyes bore into me. He bends my wrist back, further and further, until I'm crying out in pain.

"You were my girlfriend! But you're just too good for me now, huh?"


"Liar!" he screams in my face and roughly shakes my arm.

I hear a "pop" and I fall to my knees as the pain shoots through my body.

"Hey!" a voice screams, enraged.

I look up to see Damon storming across the yard with Quentin scampering behind him, trying to keep up.

I've never seen Damon quite this angry before, if that's even a word to describe it. I thought I saw it at Dollar General, but this is a whole other level. He's livid and practically fuming with wrath. If looks could kill, Damon's would and I think he's planning on it. The only problem is, I know Levi can fight.

Correction, Levi can fight well.

I'm just hoping that in his drunken state, his moves will be lethargic and uncoordinated. But my hopes fail when Damon runs up and yanks Levi away from me by his collar, and he lands one across Damon's jaw. Damon staggers back a bit, rubbing his jaw, but soon a slow smirk crawls across his face while his eyes still blaze.

"I've wanted to kick your ass all day long, but seeing how you just handled Scarlett, I'm going to fucking hospitalize you," Damon says in a low, dangerous growl.

Levi runs towards him and throws a punch. Damon ducks and swiftly jumps back up, landing an uppercut to Levi's jaw. Levi looks shocked, but then regains posture and continues fighting. They both keep at it, each landing minor hits, but when Levi drops a cracking right-hook, I spring up and run in between them. I reach for Damon's jaw, and he looks at me confused.

"Dammit Scarlett get out of here! I can handle this!"

"No you can't Damon, he'll hurt you."

He smirks, "Such little faith you have in me," he replies while spitting blood into the soil.

His warm eyes widen as he looks beyond me. I turn around in time to see Levi's fist coming directly at me. I stand petrified, and I clench my eyes shut waiting for the blow as I hear his fist slice through the air. I hear an impact, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes to see Damon looming over me with his arm outstretched, and in his clutch is Levi's balled hand.

I stare in disbelief. He caught his punch? I look over my shoulder to see Damon's face tight with rage and his eyes blazing again.

"Big mistake."

Damon quickly yanks Levi's arm behind him; He falls forward and Damon grabs the back of his head and brings it down onto his knee. After that, it's simply blow after blow as Damon completely tramples Levi. Only until he's twisted on the ground and gasping for air does Damon stop. He turns around, heavy breathes racketing his chest and balled fists still frozen in place. Taking a couple steps towards me, he grabs my cheeks and frantically looks back and forth between my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I'm still in awe of what just happened, but I can't help out the small giggle that escapes my lips. He looks confused, so I reply,

"Your jaw is swollen and you have cuts scattered across your body, and you're asking me if I'm alright?"

He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I wince in pain, a small sound escaping even though I try hard to hide it. He immediately notices and pulls back, running his hand down my arm.

"Is it more than just your wrist?"

"My shoulder."

He presses against my back and I seethe through clenched teeth.

"He dislocated it. The fucker, I'm going to break every bone in his body."

I rest my hand against his cheek in an attempt to calm him. It works and he looks back towards me.

"It's okay Damon; I think he's learned his lesson."

"Not quite, but I suppose this is good for now. I'm going to pop it back in place okay? Quentin! Come over here and help me."

I remember that Quentin is here and watch him scurry over, blabbering apologies consisting of, "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner," and "I got him as soon as you texted me." I laugh and pat his face.

"Thank you."

His eyes soften and he gives me a shy smile.

After Damon directs Quentin how to hold me, he lifts my arm and pops my shoulder back in place. My face coils in pain and I let out a small cry, but then it's over. We walk back to my dorm, and after much pleading I convince Damon to tell one of Levi's friends to go pick him up. With a cheeky wink, Quentin leaves Damon and I alone outside of the dorm.

"I don't think I've told you yet, but thank you Damon, really."

"Don't sweat it."

"No, seriously, that was...just, thanks," I say trying to convince him of how grateful I am, but still feeling unsure as to how to act around him. It's not like I've forgotten how this day went earlier.

"I know," he gives me a weak smile. I think he's just as unsure as me, or maybe more so regretful.

Neither of us say anything for awhile, and I just look off into the distance, swaying back and forth on my heels. Damon clears his throat and I look back.

"So, uh, how's your shoulder?"

"Oh, it's fine. How's your--?"

"Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" he urgently cuts me off.

I'm taken aback a little, and once again unsure. I had told myself that I would move on, but he looks so earnest. And although I know how bad of a pair we are--the girl who needs stability and the boy who loathes it--I can't help but admit... feelings for him are undeniable.


His controlled demeanor slips a little as I see his face glow, but soon enough it's back to bland portrayal. He runs his fingers through his sweat-coated locks and his hair stays stuck pushed back in a cascade of waves.

"Okay, meet me at Tony's at noon."

"Alright," we both turn to leave, "Oh, and Damon?"

His head turns, resting against his shoulder, "Yeah?"

"Wear your hair like that."

He smirks, "Whatever you wish."

He strides off and I blush. I haven't felt like this in months, and it feels good. I enter the dorm and go to my room. Quentin is already sitting propped up on my bed, waiting for my arrival and all the juicy details that come with I'm assuming. I chuckle and walk over to the bed to give him what he wants.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Levi caught these hands finally. I've been waiting so long to write in Damon kicking Levi's ass, as I'm sure you have been waiting for as well😌

On another note, I JUST TURNED 18 YESTERDAY.

stay rad.

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