Chapter 4

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Taylor couldn't decide what to do. She really only had two options; one was to stay at this odd party, and two was to go home. She liked the later option better.

Taylor tucked her hair tightly behind her ear and tugged her dress down before talking off around the crowd again. A slower song was playing now, so many couples were grinding in the dim light. Colors flashed across hands traveling up skin and Taylor shuttered at the thought of someone touching a girl like that.

A few hands reached out from the mass of people and brushed against her arm or her waist, but that only made her break into a run. This party was bad news. She shouldn't have come. Taylor's mind was racing and the music got louder. Voices echoed through her head as her breathing increased. What the hell was she thinking coming here?

Suddenly, Taylor slammed into someone when she wasn't paying attention. The person let out an angry yell and threw their cup down onto the ground. Taylor was suddenly terrified for what the woman would do. She turned around slowly an Taylor could make out a tattoo swirling around on her right shoulder and forearm.

"Are you kidding me?" The girl shouted. Her face looked to be about Taylor's age but her heels made her tower over Taylor. She was definitely intimidating and her booming voice added to that.
"I'm sorry," Taylor choked out.
"A sorry isn't going to pay for my trashed rental dress now is it?" The girl said, throwing her hands up in the air.

Suddenly just as the girl reached out to grab Taylor, she buckled forward and began coughing. Taylor backed away slowly as the girl vomited all over the front of her dress and the concrete. That timing was absolutely perfect, so Taylor turned away from the sick girl and her friends and took off down the street. This party actually sucked for her.

Out of breath, she ran past the guard that had let her in. As she passed she heard him call out,
"Leaving so soon love? The party is just getting started!" Taylor ignored him completely and made her way to her car.

When she was finally safe inside, she didn't stop to breath, but began driving away. She wanted to get as far away from that party as possible. Nothing too bad had really happened, but that feeling of danger was always present.

15 minutes later Taylor finally arrived at her apartment building. She let out a sigh of relief when she shut the door behind her and pulled off her heels. Tossing them next to the door she trudged straight to the bedroom, not bothering to turn on one light. She tried her hardest to push that night's events out of her mind as she washed off her makeup and peeled the dress from her skin.

Taylor basically jumped into her bed and burrowed under the thick blankets. The feel of it was unfamiliar, but it was still a relief to be safe in her new bed. She stared at the drawings on the ceiling for a while as she tried to find sleep. The patterns were mesmerizing in the shadows of the room.

Taylor had never really been one to freak out over things. All throughout high school is she was involved in any drama she just dealt with it accordingly and then forgot all about it. But now, she could not stop thinking of the events of the party. Two intimidating men had known her first and last name. How the hell had they known her name when she just moved in that day?

And that Liam man. What was the deal with him? He was terrifying, yet amazingly handsome and intriguing. He had known her name just like that. But why? This question kept resurfacing itself over and over in Taylor's head. Nothing about it made any sense. It's not like she had relatives or friends living here to give out her name.

Minutes passed and Taylor remained awake, staring at the ceiling. This new city was scaring her. She honestly did not know what to do. But a reassuring thought entered her mind. It was only her first night in New Orleans. Things were bound to get better once she started her job and found some friends. She made a promise to herself to not give up on her dream city just yet, but to wait it out and see what fate has in store.

With her mind finally calmed, Taylor was able to drift off to sleep. The dark eyes of Liam haunted her dreams.

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