Chapter 26

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(Background Music ~ Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles OST - Wesker's Theme)

(Background Music ~ Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles OST - Wesker's Theme)

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| 11:12 pm |

Laura's POV
-(Start Song Here)-
"Alright, enough with the mystery. Who are you?! And what the hell is going on down here?!?"  Tyler questioned the A.I.

"Yeah, we've waited long enough, and we want answers." I demanded. "Now."

"I suppose I do owe all of you a decent explanation," She stated. "I'm known as the White Queen. As an advanced artificial intelligence, I was created by the Umbrella Corporation to help manage and protect all Umbrella assets. From many classified research projects—to all kinds of genetically engineered B.O.W.s created by the corporation within the last forty years. Mainly, to help preserve what's left of the once thriving pharmaceutical company."

Piers scoffed at the last part the White Queen said.

"What happened to the corporation? What exactly caused Umbrella's downfall and ruin?" I questioned the A.I.

"It all started seventeen years ago. In the Spencer Mansion—built back in 1967 in the middle of the Arklay Mountains. Located just northwest of Raccoon City. Within the mansion, was the Arklay Laboratory, a secret Umbrella Research facility that had been used for a long period of time to conduct secret illegal and inhumane experimentation. All under the command of Umbrella's very own founder, Oswell E. Spencer. Most of their activities included research on the T-Virus, Progenitor Virus, and numerous bioweapons projects. Until in middle of May 1998. There was an 'accident' in one of the labs. A potent strain of the T-Virus was leaked—contaminating the entire laboratory building and infecting all the staff and researchers within the complex. Rendering most of them into mindless zombies. That's not even the worst of it. Certain Umbrella experiments, such as the Cerberus, escaped from the laboratory. Disappearing into the forest surrounding the mansion. Killing and infecting multiple hikers and other individuals throughout the mountains. This in turn, causing the R.P.D. to deploy S.T.A.R.S."

"S.T.A.R.S.? Isn't that the special tactics branch that was formed in the late 1990s to combat the increasing rate of terrorism and other violent crimes within Raccoon City?" I asked.

"Correct. Because of the series of brutal cannibalistic homicides being reported within the outskirts of the city at that time, the police allowed S.T.A.R.S. to intervene and to help investigate the case. On July 23, 1998, Bravo team was sent in to investigate these incidents situating in the Arklay Mountains. On the following day, they lost contact with Bravo team. So right away, Alpha team was dispatched to search for their missing compatriots while following up on their mission too. Eventually, their investigation leads to the Spencer Mansion. Where they find the remains of most of Bravo team, and encounter multiple of the living dead and some of other the B.O.W.s that have been let loose within the mansion. Along with discovering the Arklay laboratory, they find out about the various experiments conducted by Umbrella. They also discovered that Alpha team's very own leader, Albert Wesker, was actually a scientist and double agent who used to work for Umbrella. Wesker staged the whole mission as an opportunity to collect combat data for Umbrella's B.O.W. research. By setting up his own team and fellow subordinates against the bioweapons that were rampaging throughout the mansion. His teammates thought that he was simply following Umbrella's orders—like an obedient servant. But in fact, Wesker actually had his own personal agenda. He faked his death in front of his former teammates—Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine—making them think he died when he was impaled by the T-002 tyrant. Before hand, Wesker had infected himself with unknown strain of a virus. Developed by his former colleague, William Birkin. Which brought him back to life and endowed him superhuman strength, agility, and even regeneration. Although Wesker came back to life stronger than ever before, his plans were foiled by surviving S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, and Barry Burton when they managed to kill the T-002 tyrant before escaping with their very lives. And then my sister computer, the Red Queen, prohibited him from accessing the mainframe system to steal the combat data he acquired that night. Thanks to Sergei Vladimir, one of our former higher ranking executives within the corporation, he downloaded all of the data to the U.M.F-013, and used my sister computer to lock Wesker out of the mainframe system. Therefore, there was nothing else he do, so Wesker escaped the mansion before it was blown to smithereens."
'Wow, that's a lot to take in. I've never thought that my uncle would be involved in all of this! Especially Wesker! He's more of a cruel sick selfish bastard than I thought he was.'

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