double the trouble

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Lance's POV
I woke up the next morning with Shiro holding me close to him,  I smiled and cuddled to his chest I didn't want this to end but we needed to wake up , we were the space defenders and the space won't save itself alone. I shook Shiro gently , he grunted and mumbled in his sleep. I found that actually cute and giggled,  Shiro smirked and pinned me down " Good morning cutie " I had my face flushed up " G-good morning. " Shiro licked his nose and stood up from bed stretching,  showing his 6 abs packs and his scars on his chest made me drool. He put his armour on and I followed the same pace. Shiro kissed the side of my head before exiting the room.

Allura's POV
well...  Seeing lance flustered like this was the first time in my life,  usually he acts very flirtish,  umm. He even fights with Keith but I don't see this anymore,  instead there was just a shy , not so talkative and gets easily embarrassed lance,  Mother of holy Altea what did Shiro do to lance. He changed him in one night and 2 days
I kept my thoughts in my mind as I saw the paladins gather around " Our mission today is to free Balemera from Zarkon's forces,  they had captured the balemerian's " I spoke as I saw Hunk stare at the planet hologram , Lance put his hand on Hunk's shoulder " We'll free Shay I promise Hunk " Hunk nodded as they brought their attentions to me again " We're going in groups for today "

Shiro's POV
Hmm. Groups. Interesting,  I can have lance with me but I forgot that Keith is here. He looked at me with ragging purple eyes,  so I decided to let it go " Very well then princess " Allura nodded,  she wanted to have my opinion as I am  her supervisor and a second commander {{ AHEM AHEM}}  " I'll go with hunk and pidge. Lance , keith and the princess shall go together. " We all nodded and climbed off the ship leaving Coran to lead it

Keith's POV
I might be a little late but Lance belongs to me,  problem is we had to complete this mission. I hope we finish this mission as soon as possible and I can hear lance moan my name. I chuckled to myself , lance teared his gaze from the way and looked at me " Keith..?  " Ohh the way he calls my name. I am so obsessed with him,  just be mine!!  I want to slam into you here " Don't worry lance,  I am just thinking " he nodded and looked at the way again.

Allura's POV
I feel like a third-wheel in this situation, I just kept quiet as we were walking,  we hid as some Garla soldiers were walking. I skimmed through the area and saw some soldiers talking about the balmerian's prisons. One of them said that they were locked in the woods. Nailed it I grinned. I gave lance and Keith a sign to get ready to attack. They nodded

Hunk,  Shiro and pidge walked through the planet,  they had to find at least one balmerain,  there was no sign of living in this planet not after what Zarkon and his force did. Shiro made a fist. They were supposed to be defenders,  yet they let zarkon do this.Pidge looked over Shiro and patted his back " We'll get them back Shiro don't worry "

{{ Rip I can't write the whole fight scene. So lazy XD }}

Keith's POV
Finally.. The mission is completed. Now I can spend time with lance. As soon as we were inside the ship I grabbed lance and ran to my room. Lance looked at me in shock that's the first time I ever did something like that. As soon as we were in my room I pinned lance on the bed and kissed him Lance squirmed and pushed me off I wasn't surprised by that so I tied him up,  he kept struggling trying to escape. I smirked at him and kissed him rougher.

Lance POV
I screamed Shiro's name as loud ad I could,  I didn't want to get raped by my best friend and rival. Keith growled in disapproval and bit my neck. I screamed  louder than usual,  but the walls were soundproofed,  I wanted someone to save me.. Shiro please...  I closed my eyes as Keith was close to me I shut them tightly for what will come but it.. Never did.
I opened my eyes to find a muscular body surrounding me, I blinked then I saw an electronic arm I gasped seeing it's Shiro. He had Keith away from me while he was holding me I don't know what just struck me and I cried.

Shiro POV
I made my way out of keith's room silently holding lance in my arms. The poor boy was crying hard I comforted him rocking him kissing him playing with his hair until he calmed down. I smiled and kept holding him tightly than ever. I knew Keith would strike again to get Keith, but I won't let him take my lance from me.

Sakura * stretches * : Done at last. I swear this chapter is the longest one I have ever written. Hope you enjoy. * winks * leave a comment if you don't mind. See ya ~~
Saradasennen yula_neko_lover1234

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