Ch. 18: Duress or Betrayal?

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Cheshire led them through the camp to Killian, who was in his own tent, going through some documents. The tent was mostly bare aside from a cot and two or three low tables stacked neatly with papers.

Before Mad could tell him about Tamsus, Killian held out a piece of paper that was a darker cream color than the other documents Mad could see.

"You might find this interesting," Killian said, his tone dark. "It's from your friend."

"Maris?" Mad asked, taking the letter.

"Read it," he said, his eyes like chips of black ice.

Mad scowled but looked down. Recognizing Maris' handwriting, he read:


Hopefully this finds you quickly. I'm sorry I couldn't wait, but knowing you, I'm sure you got back just fine. I need you to bring Alice with you to the Dark Forest. I've found him, Madison.

- Maris

Mad looked up, blinking. "Have you read this?"

Killian grimaced. "My lieutenant did. Not with my permission."

"I don't care about the privacy. Did you read it?" He handed the letter to Alice.

Killian nodded, a short, sharp jerk of his head.

"Why would he say that, Mad? Why would he say he's found me when I'm here?" Killian asked, his eyes shuttered, holding all his secrets close again.

"Why would he so specifically ask for you to bring Alice?" Dinah asked, her voice flat, peering over Alice's shoulder at the letter.

Killian stood up, pacing back and forth, the set of his face angry, his fists clenched. Turning to Mad, he said, "In the desert, you asked me if there was anyone in this camp who would betray us. Maybe you should have been looking a little closer to home."

Mad stiffened but couldn't deny the logic of what Killian was implying. Plus, he was still thinking about how Maris had left them, even with Mad and Killian still missing.

Then, of course, there was the mystery as to how Maris could have possibly found the Spade King elsewhere when he was standing right in front of them here.

Alice though, didn't seem to have his same reservations. "Maris wouldn't betray us."

"How can you be sure?" Killian snapped, his dark hair making his face seem even paler. He winced like he hadn't meant to snap at her, and watched her nervously.

Alice scowled at him. "Because I know Maris. So does Mad. Why would he wait so long to betray us? How do we even know he is? He could just be in trouble." She paused to look at Mad beseechingly.

"You think he was forced to write this?" Chesh asked, ears twitching back and forth.

"Forced by who?" Killian asked skeptically. "Tamsus?"

"No," Mad answered. "Tamsus is here."

Killian waved this off. "We know he's been following us."

"No, Killian," Mad tossed him the little lead heart, "I mean he's here. Around the camp."

"In the camp?" Killian asked, eyes straying to the tent's opening, most likely thinking of Adira. Mad held his hand out for the heart, and Killian tossed it back to him.

Mad mulled this over before shaking his head. "I doubt it. Tamsus never was one for blending in. That's more Rakta's style—oh." He grimaced. "I forgot about Rakta."

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