Author's Note

351 41 29

Kind of a triple update, so go read that first!:)

Really all I wanted to say was thank you everyone for reading this story. I fell more in love with it than I thought I would and so as a result, you can expect a sequel and a short story about Rakta (because I liked him more than I thought I would:))

I just wanted to thank everyone who loved it with me.

I appreciate every single comment you guys have given, letting me know you were mad :) about my cliffhangers because you needed to know what happened next.

There are a handful of people who have been with this story from the start and I just wanted to say thank you so much, I love you and hopefully you all know who you are!

I wanted to finish Mad's story before the summer ended and I just barely made it!

Again, thank you so much for the support whether you were there from the start or new, I appreciate it more than I could possibly say using words, which is, you know, weird since you'd think a writer would be able to figure it out.

Oh well. Hopefully you can just imagine it!

I hope a sequel and a story about Rakta are a big enough thank you from me, but if not...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Hatter's Revenge (rewriting - read at own risk)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt