Ch. 30: Checkmate and Call

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Mavros was just where Rakta had said she would be. Her throne room, deep inside the castle. Mad shot their way past three guards and burst through the doors before freezing in his tracks, astonished and overwhelmed by what he was seeing. Quietly, he could hear Alice gasp in awe.

Rakta and Tamsus were in the middle of the red and white checkered floor, and they were fighting. Mad had never seen the two Aces fight and now he knew why. It was brutal, fluid, almost beautiful in its savagery.

It was movement in its purest form and more of a dance than anything. Or at least, that's what Mad thought.

Their movements were quick, graceful. The blows exchanged sharp and wicked.

Neither held anything back and Mavros watched on, almost lounging on her throne. All of her arrogance was shown just in how her chin was propped casually on her hand as Rakta backed Tamsus up, two silver knife blades whipping through the air, thirsting for the Heart's blood.

Tamsus ducked in close to Rakta and slammed his palm into the inside of Rakta's wrist, making him drop one knife. Tamsus laughed, whirled away, just to dive back in, punching Rakta's arm, just above the crease in his wrist, forcing him to drop the other knife.

Rakta responded by grabbing Tamsus' wrist as he withdrew his strike. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh just under the thumb and twisted brutally, forcing Tamsus to his knees for the briefest of moments. Tamsus laughed again, then threw his elbow into the outside of Rakta's leg, just above the knee, forcing him to the ground as well.

Their hands flashed back and forth so fast, the strikes looked soft. Like they were barely making contact. The sound told a different story though, bone and muscles smashing into skin and sinew, leaving cuts along eyebrows and cheekbones and lips.

Finally, Rakta backhanded Tamsus and sprang to his feet when the other Ace went flying. Just as quickly as Tamsus hit the ground he was back to his feet, but he was no longer smiling.

Mad watched as the two Aces circled one another and pushed Alice farther behind him, a primal fear flashing through him as his body recognized the two predators in front of him.

He watched wide-eyed as they engaged and disengaged in flurries of action, punches and blocks exchanged so quickly, Mad could hardly keep track.

Neither seemed to gain the upper hand, each absorbing hits and returning them twice as hard.

Then, Tamsus whipped his body around, the heel of his booted foot connecting hard with the side of Rakta's head, sending him flying. He skidded several feet across the polished floor when he landed.

Alice cried out and slipped past Mad, heedless of his warning cry as she ran across the room to Rakta, a red shadow flying along in her wake. She slid to a stop next to Rakta, who lunged to his feet, throwing her hard behind him as he tried to protect her from Tamsus.

But he wasn't fast enough. Tamsus was there, knife in hand. He caught Rakta to him, stabbing repeatedly into the other Ace's stomach, the strikes grotesquely fast.

Rakta's fingers clenched at Tam's shirt, his breath stuttering, eyes widening in pain and surprise as he stared at Tamsus, who was close enough to kiss. Tamsus held on to him, blood splashing to the floor beneath their feet. The Heart shook his head sadly, and said, "Oh, Rakta. That was not meant for you."

Rakta gasped, his hands going to his stomach, dropping heavily to his knees. His breath rattled, and he had an almost shocked look on his face as more blood spilled between his fingers. Tamsus shook his head, then looked up at Alice, his lips parted in something akin to hunger.

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