In Spade Castle

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Two years later...

Mad watched in amusement as Killian paced back and forth, freezing any time he heard so much as a whisper of sound. His own worry and excitement was killing him, but he got the distinct impression that Killian needed him as he was. Calm, in the face of Killian's own insanity.

"She'll be fine Killi," Adira said from where she sat next to Mad and he looked down at the thirteen year old, entertained as he always was by the Jack. Looking up at Mad in exasperation, she said, "He's been going crazy. It's good you got here Mad. I'm certain Allie was gonna kill him these past few days."

"Well, Alice was temperamental to begin with. It might be more of a testament to Killian's bravery than anything." Mad chuckled at the dark look Killian threw the two of them, still pacing back and forth in front of the closed door.

Adira laughed and whispered, "I'm so excited! Killi said I can teach him to hunt and shoot and you said you'd teach us to ride, right Mad?"

Mad nodded, grinning. As a gift, Killian had pulled two breeding pairs of horses through the Looking Glass for Mad, who was now busy growing Wonderland's first ever herd of horses.

He ruffled her short hair, making her bat at his hands in indignation and said, "Just as soon as the yearlings are big enough, I'll take you out and we can start training them."

"How do you train a horse?" Adira asked thoughtfully, swinging her legs.

Mad smiled. "Very carefully."

Killian jumped about a foot in the air when Cheshire came running down the hall. He skidded to a halt in front of Mad and dropped to the floor, panting. Looking up he asked, "Late?"

Mad shook his head and asked Adira, "What if it's not a he?"

Wrinkling her nose, she said, "What kind of question is that Mad? I'm not a he. I still shoot and all that stuff!"

Mad threw back his head and laughed and Adira pushed his arm before laughing with him. Killian looked like he was just about to come undone.

Mad shook his head, twirling his hat around in his hands, leaning forward in anticipation. Watching Killian, he thought that Gene had been right.

The past two years had been the happiest of Mad's life, spending his time with Alice and Killian. Raising horses like he had when he was a kid, teaching Adira everything he knew about them.

Cheshire would disappear and reappear, Dinah always in tow, but he mostly stayed away from the horses. He was still Mad's best friend though.

Mad stayed away from the Heart's land but he had more than once visited Rakta, paying his respects to the Ace, hoping that wherever Rakta was, he was happy.

And now this.

Killian whipped around, his face terrified when the door finally opened and Mad smiled at the strong cries he heard coming from the room.

Killian ran inside, then just as quickly came back out. His face pale, he leaned against the wall and had to swallow before he said, "Girl. It's a girl."

He looked at Mad, a smile breaking out and shouted, "It's a girl! I'm a father Mad!"

Just as quickly he paled again and said, "I'm a father Mad."

Mad grabbed Killian's shoulders and said, "Yeah. So are you gonna waste some more time out here with us?"

Killian shook his head, turned, then turned again and and pulled Mad into a quick hug. Mad slapped his back and pushed him toward the door.

Killian ran back inside and Mad snagged Adira as she tried to sneak past. He held onto her as she squirmed, making little irritated noises at him. Crouching down to be on her level, Mad said, "You'll get to see her soon enough Adira. Just give Killian and Alice a moment."

Adira scowled at him and he looked up when Dinah said, "It's okay Mad. Alice wants to see both of you. She's got someone she'd like to introduce."

Mad swallowed hard and stood up, Adira careening into the room ahead of him. He took a deep breath and exchanged a glance with Chesh, who's eyes were wide as Dinah took his hand, pulling him into the room behind Mad.

Alice smiled up at him, before looking again at the tiny bundle in her arms. She looked tired, her hair tied in a loose, messy knot at her neck, but at the same time she had never looked happier.

Mad slowed, an age old fear suddenly trying to swallow him up and he stopped just at the end of the bed.

Alice rolled her eyes and said, "She not going to bite Mad. Come here."

"Bossy," Mad muttered and Killian laughed, his arms around Alice as he sat next to her, his eyes enchanted as he looked down at their daughter.

Alice extended her arms and Mad almost had a heart attack when the bundle wiggled and his hands came up, ready to catch her. Alice smiled warmly and said, "Do you want to hold her?"

Mad swallowed hard again, then took a fortifying breath and held out his arms. Alice placed the baby carefully into his hands, guiding him as she showed him how to hold the little girl looking up at him with curious eyes.

Dark blue eyes.

"Tarian," Alice whispered to the little baby. "This is your uncle, Mad. He's all right once you get to know him."

Mad tried to swallow past the lump in his throat, looking down at the tiny little thing in his arms. She was warm and she just stared up at him. He jumped when her little hand popped free of the blankets and she waved her hand in the air, still staring at him.

He couldn't possibly understand how something could be so small.

Slowly, like he was under a spell, Mad put his finger in the little girl's hand and sighed when she grabbed it, holding on with more strength than something so small should have.

Adira leaned over his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck as she looked down at the baby, wiggling her fingers and making little cooing noises at her. But the baby still just looked at Mad, her little eyes staring directly into his heart.

Mad had never been more in love.

Rocking back and forth a little, he whispered, "Hello Tarian Spade."

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