Chapter 15

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Amber POV:
I stir slightly in my sleep before I finally open my eyes. What time is it? I look up and immediately feel my cheeks turn red. Pin smiles down at me and I realize that I'm pressed against his chest. "Morning sleeping beauty" he smirks, causing me to roll my eyes and sit up.

"How long was I out?" I ask stretching. He shrugs. "An hour. Maybe two" he says. I nod and my cheeks heat up again. "You didn't mind did you?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. Of course not, but it was your horse that made you sleep against my chest" he says.

That sounds like something that she would do. I look over at Sparrow, who was currently rolling in the grass and sigh. "Yep. That's my horse" I say, putting my face in my hands in embarrassment.

Pin laughs and it was now that I realized that his arm was wrapped around my waist. He noticed too because his cheeks flush red and he pulls his arm away. "Sorry" he says sheepishly. I smile at him. "It's alright" I say.

I pull out my phone. I have a few missed calls from Jade, Becky, and Zoe. I don't think that I gave Zoe my number, but maybe Jade or Becky gave her my number. Probably Becky.

"We better get back before they think that I'm dead or something" I say, looking over to Pin. He nods. I stand up, using the tree as support for my back. I offer Pin my hand and help him up off his feet. When he stands up, we were practically chest to chest, in fact, we were so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

He started leaning in, as did I, but a certain horses nose got in the way. I sigh. "Sparrow" I roll my eyes. She looks down at me and pushes me with her head. She can be such a pain sometimes.

"Sorry" I smile up at him. He shrugs. "It's alright. Horses will be horses" he says, and I can hear some disappointment in his voice. I walk away and grab Sparrows saddle and saddle pad and tack her back up. I slide her bridle on and look over at Pin.

"Still fits" I smile. He looks up and notices Sparrows bridle, causing a warm smile to creep up on his face. "Yeah, it does" he says, un tethering his horse from the tree.

I grab my helmet and mount up on Sparrow before waiting for Pin. I actually almost kissed him. Oh Sparrow. Always trying to protect me from anything and anyone. But I can't complain, she has saved me. Many. Many times.

Once Pin is mounted up, he looks over at me and smirks before taking off in a gallop down the hill. I kiss Sparrow into a gallop and follow after him. The wind against my face felt great and it seemed to blow any and all stress away from today, which is exactly what I needed.

I catch up to him and gallop right past him and smirk. "Too slow Pin!" I call out, looking back at him. I slow Sparrow down so that we're galloping side by side.

I could see the stables from here. Pin was the first to slow his horse, and I followed, slowing Sparrow down to a calm trotting pace. We trot to the stables and dismount. I take all of Sparrows tack off and start taking all of the braids out of her mane and tail.

After all the ribbons and whatnot are gone, I brush her down and bring her back to her stall. Suddenly, someone hugs me. Tight. "Where did you go? We missed you!"

Becky. "I'm fine. Relax" I say, prying her off of me. Jade was the next one to hug me, causing me to groan. She pulls away and then Zoe hugs me. Come on! I can breath. They're going to crush my spine or something.

"Were sorry. We should have stood up for you" Zoe says, looking ashamed. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. Trust me" I say, putting my hands up.

"Sam was worried sick" Jade says. "I'll go talk to her" I say, walking past them to Sam's office. I knock on the door before opening it. Sam looks up from her paperwork before dropping it and standing up.

"I'm fine. Relax" I say as she brings me into a hug. "I know. I was just worried. And Pin took off after you and I didn't know if he found you or not and I was just worried. You're like family" she finishes her rant.

I smile. "Relax. I'm fine. Im not hurt or anything" I say. She nods. "I talked to Mia. She owes you and apology" she says. I nod. I doubt I'll get one though, knowing Mia.

"Ok. Well, I'm going to go and help Pin with the stalls and all that" I say. She nods. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then?" She asks. I nod. "Yep".

I walk out of the office and run into Marcus by accident. He pulls me into a hug. "What is it with everyone and hugging me today?" I sat. Marcus laughs and pulls away. "Everyone was worried" he says. "I know" I admit shyly. "Sorry" I add.

He gives me a soft look. "Mia pressured you and you finally snapped. It wasn't your fault" he says. I nod. "Thanks Marcus. I'll see you later" I smile at him before walking off to help Pin around the stables.

As per usual, we did the stalls and rotated the horses and so on until everything was clean. I was about to say bye to Pin when I remembered something. I walk into the tack room and grab the container of oats and honey and apples before walking back outside.

Pin was still sweeping around the barn so I approached him from behind. "Pin!" I yell, causing him to jump and me to laugh. He glares at me. "Don't do that" he says, slapping my shoulder playfully. I laugh and hand him the container before pulling him into a hug.

"See you tomorrow?" He whispers to me. I nod. "Yeah. And thanks for everything today" I say. He looks down at me. "Anytime" he mutters, kissing my cheek lightly. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says before walking away.

I stood there dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open slightly and my cheeks turning 50 shades of red. I touch the spot where he kissed me before smiling warmly to myself and walking back home.

"What was that?" A voice interrupts. I look around and see that Becky and Jade were still here. "What?" I ask as they run up to me squealing as we walk. "He kissed you. He so likes you" Becky gushes and I sigh. "No point in denying it. He took off after you today too, he's so into you" Jade adds, squealing just as much as Becky.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I shake my head before walking home, leaving them standing there laughing and giggling with each other. Sometimes I don't know about those two.

Secret POV:
I was talking to my employer about the boy. Pin. "He's growing too close to her. He's going to interfere" I explain over skype.

"Well what do you propose?" He asks. I think for a moment. "We can threaten her. Tell her to stay away for him. Maybe we can hurt her?" I suggest.

"No!" He yells. "Don't lay a finger on her" he adds. I nod, backing down. "You can't hurt her. It won't work, she doesn't care" he says. "You have to hurt her by hurting those around her, make her blame herself and self destruct" he says.

"Who do you propose?" I ask. "Don't hurt the boy. Yet. He can wait. Go after the aunt. Then when she's vulnerable and sad, the boy will comfort her and that's when we hurt him" he explains.

"What do you want me to do to Amy?" I ask. "Don't kill her. But hurt her. Really hurt her" he says. "Be creative" he says before the screen goes black

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