Chapter 30

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Amber POV:
"What are you doing here? Haven't you already ruined my life enough?" I ask, anger coursing through my body. I didn't even want to look him, and if I didn't have so much adrenaline running through me, I wouldn't have.

He lets out a dry, humourless laugh and I just glare up at him. "What do you think? I wanted my little girl back" he claims in a sickly sweet tone that made me want to vomit everywhere. Ugh. I would rather be dead than be here. "Didn't you miss your dear father?" He asks. "Your no father to me" I spit angrily.

He gives me a harsh glare before he turns to the photographer. "Cole. Bring me my duffle bag" he instructs. 'Cole' nods his head, and without saying a word, he trucks upstairs. He seems much less dominate than my father is, but that's understandable. My father is a scary, cruel man who enjoys terrifying and abusing people.

"I can't believe that you ran away from me like that" he says, pacing slowly in front of me, my nerves building up with every single step that he takes. He's making himself seem more intimidating than he already is. He always makes sure that everybody knows that he is in power.

"I ran away because of what you did to me" I hiss, glaring up at him. He eyes me with fake innocence. "What did I ever do to you?" He asks in fake hurt expression. "Gee. I wonder" I snap. If I could hurt him right now, I would, but I am chained back and it's freezing down here. So much that I can practically see my breath and I now noticed that my father is in a jacket and pants. A shiver runs up my body, making me more uncomfortable than I already am.

Suddenly, Cole returned with a big black duffle bag. I know that bag. I recognized that bag. I desperately tried to pull away only to fail again. "Let's see if we can bring back some good memories and make some new ones" he says as Cole hands him the bag and backs away. I give him the dirtiest glare I can muster. "Do your worst" I spat. "I intend to" he glares.

Pin POV:
Everybody's in a stir. Raven is missing, and so is Amber. "We can at least look around the island" I suggest, desperate. So far, no one at the stable has been looking for her. They've all been concerned about Raven for some reason. I get that he was taken but so was Amber, and she's a human being. "Pin, just leave it to the police, we have to prepare for the county show" Sam says, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I give her an 'are you serious' look. "You're more concerned about a stupid show than finding one of the best riders here?" I ask. She gives me a look. "That's not what I'm saying. But I think that we should leave it to the police. I don't want any of you all to get hurt" she says and I mentally groan and walk away.

I go back to Sparrows stall and sit down with her. She's still in a bit of pain, but she seems to be doing better. However, she's also in a different kind of pain. She misses Amber and she knows that something is wrong. I gently rub her neck and face and try and offer food, but she refuses. Amber has been gone for 12 hours now and still nothing, and I know that 12 hours doesn't seem like a long time, but it is when every second she's missing feels like an hour. The police aren't trying hard enough to find her. They aren't looking in the right places. Whoever took her isn't stupid and they've hidden her where they know she won't be found, and that's what scares me. What if they never find her again? Or when they do find her, will it be too late to save her.

"Hey Pin" someone says. Becky, Zoe, and Jade are standing at Sparrows stall door. "What do you all want?" I ask, exhaustion and miserableness in my voice. "How is she?" Zoe asks, not taking her eyes off Sparrow. I shrug. "I don't know. She's sad. She misses Amber" I mutter, trying to sooth the poor horse in front of me.

"You know that Sam isn't trying to be mean. She's not even letting us look for Raven" Zoe says, looking really sad at the mention of his name. She definitely misses Raven. "We we're going to go on a trail ride though" Becky suggests, a hint of hope in her voice. "I'm not in the mood" I murmur. "Pin. You can't shut us out, I get that your upset that Ambers gone but you need to live your life, and you can't live it constantly worrying about her" Zoe tries. "I know how you feel. I miss Raven just as much as you miss Amber" she finishes with a sigh.

I give her a 'are you crazy look'. "They're not going to hurt Raven, don't you get it? If they wanted to hurt him, they would have done it at the stables. Someone obviously wants him" I say as if it's obvious. "Raven is a horse Zoe. It's different. He has hope" I say. She gives me a look. "So what? I love him more than anything. Don't you get it? If someone wanted to hurt Amber, wouldn't they have done it already?" She asks. I nod. "Yes. She most likely is hurt. Very bad. Someone wants her Zoe, someone bad" I say, and as soon as I say it, a face pops into my head.

Zoe sighs and drags Becky and Jade away but I'm too focused on who I see. It's not impossible. I get up and leave Sparrows stall before running away from the stables and to the hospital. I make it to Amy's room and knock on the door quietly. "Come in" a dry, scratchy voice answered. I open the door and Amy's face lights up. "Did they find her?" She asks. I shake my head. "I'm sorry. Not yet" I say.

She lets out a heavy sigh. "Can I see her laptop?" I ask. Amy gives me a confused look and types something in Ambers laptop before handing it to me. I immediately sit down and open her email and start searching. "What are you looking for?" Amy asks, trying to see what I'm doing.

"The answer" I mutter, continuing to search through her emails until I found it. An email from a friend of hers. Her dad is missing from where he was. Meaning that he's not there anymore, meaning that he's here. And he has Amber.

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