Chapter 23

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Amber POV:
I wake up the next morning and check the time. 7:08. Maybe I'll go see Sparrow today and help Pin around the stables. I miss my girl so I'll probably go for a ride.

Amy was already up and she had taken my laptop and was watching the hunger games on Netflix. "Hey. Laptop thief. How did you know my password?" I ask. She looks up at me with a smirk.

"Well, it wasn't your horse or your birthday so I tried your mothers name. Kathleen" she says giving me a sad look. I sigh quietly. "How did you get my Netflix password?" I ask. She shrugs. "I didn't. You didn't sign out" she explains.

"Only you Amy. Only you" I say, standing up and going to the washroom real quick. I brush my hair and teeth and do what I have to do. "Are you going to the stables today?" She asks. I shrug. "Maybe. It's up to you" I say. "Well in that case, go. Go have fun" she says.

"I'm not going right away. I was going to go home and change my clothes" I explain. "Good idea. You smell" she says. I give her a look. "I do not" I defend. "Yeah you do. You smell like hospital" she says. I roll my eyes. "So do you" I say, pointing a finger at her.

She nods. "Yeah but I have a reason to smell like I do. You don't" she fires back. "Yeah I do. I've been here with you" I say. She sighs in defeat. I start to laugh. "I win" I smirk at her. "This time" she corrects. In your dreams Amy.

"Go to the stables. Go have fun" she pushes. I sigh. "Fine. But I'll be back by dinner. I'm gonna steal your food" I playfully warn. "Goooooo" she whines. "You're so annoying sometimes" I roll my eyes at her and she shrugs. "It's my job" she says.

I roll my eyes at her before grabbing my phone. "You can keep my laptop here. The chargers already plugged into the wall so if you need to charge it the cord is here" I say, picking up the charger and putting it on her lap. "Thanks" she smiles. "Anything for you Amy" I smile down at her before picking up my bag and walking out the door.

I reach my house in no time and unlock the front door. Almost immediately, I go upstairs to change. I put on a random pair of jodhpurs and purple tank top. I french braid my hair before heading back downstairs to and grabbing my riding boots and leave the house, locking it behind me.

I make my way towards the stables and as soon as I step onto the property, Sam notices me and brings me into a bone crushing hug. "Are you ok? How is your aunt?" She asks so fast that I almost didn't hear it. "We're fine. I assure you" I smile up at her. She sighs and wipes under her eyes. "I was just so worried. The girls told me that you just ran off and then I saw the news that morning and I just got so worried" I let her finish her rant before speaking again.

"It's alright Sam we're all fine. Now if you don't mind, I miss my horse" I smile up at her before walking off to find Sparrow. I first check her paddock and see that she's not in there with the other mares. Hm. She should be out by now. I jog into the stables and look in her stall to see her lying down in her stall.

I open the door and drop to the ground beside her. "Hey big girl. What's wrong?" I ask. Her head darts up and she eyes me before whinnying with joy and nuzzling and kissing my face. "I missed you too" I laugh as her whiskers tickle my face.

"Let's get you out of here and stretch your legs" I say before standing up and exiting the stall to get my tack. I get my saddle, saddle pad, and bit less bridle. I put them where I'll put Sparrow to tack her up before going to get her.

I open her stall door and she walks out as I lead her to where the rest of her tack is. She simply stands there as I groom her and tack her up. "Hey. You're here!" A higher pitched voice exclaims. "Hey Becky" I smile.

"I was just going to ride Bob, do you want to come?" She asks. I nod. "Yeah. That would be nice" I say. "Where's everyone else?" I ask. "Well, Zoe went out walking somewhere and Sam asked Jade to do something for her and they haven't gotten back yet so I'm here alone" she explains. I nod, understanding.

"Let's go" I smile. She finishes grooming Bob and saddles and bridles him. "So did anything interesting happen while I was away yesterday?" I ask. "Zoe tried to ride Raven and he bolted and threw her" she says, a serious look on her face. I give her a worried look. "Is she out on him today?" I ask. "No. She's walking I think. Marcus tried to give her a lesson but Mia spooked Raven and Zoe gave up" she says. I feel bad for Zoe, but I get it. She wanted to prove herself but she rushed it.

I slip my helmet on as does Becky. "Well, I hope she gets back on him soon" I say, hopeful. With Raven, you need to be slow and patient as he is a very difficult and one person horse.

"Hey. Amber. Glad your back" Marcus says, walking up to Becky and I. Becky inhales deeply and noticeably tenses, her eyes wide and alert. "Thanks" I smile at him. "Are you two going for a ride?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah, do you want to join?" I ask and Becky kicks me but Marcus doesn't notice.

"I would love to but I have to do some things. Thanks anyways" he says beginning to walk away. "Oh. Becky, did you see where Zoe went off to?" He asks. Becky's mouth opens and closes like a fish and I nudge her but I get no reaction. "She fell down, and she a bit winded, but she told me that Zoe went for a walk to clear her mind" I say, stepping in for Becky. He nods his head and thanks me before walking off somewhere.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Hot Marcus almost talked to me again. How did I look?" She asks, adjusting her helmet. "You looked fantastic. No worries" I assure her. She side hugs me. "You're the best Amber. Now let's go ride" she exclaims, taking Bob to the arena and me following behind and laughing at her. She is truly a special, one of a kind person.

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