Chapter 20

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Pin POV:
I walked through the slightly busy streets. It was early, so people were out and about doing what they need to do today. As I'm walking, I see the posters of Firefly. Despite Mia's rude and ignorant behaviour, I still think it's sad that Firefly is missing.

I eventually make it to the hospital and open the doors and I recognize the 3 girls standing at the desk. "Please. Amber Dales. Do you know where she is?" Zoe asks. The lady types away on her computer. "Sorry. But there is nobody here under that name" she frowns.

"Amy Lauren" I say from behind them. All 3 girls turn around and look at me. "Pin?" Jade asks. I nod. "Yeah. What are you guys doing here?" I ask. Becky holds up a bag. "We brought Ambers stuff back and got some stuff for her aunt" she explains.

"Amy Lauren" the lady says, typing away. "5th floor. Recovery wing" she smiles. "Are you friends with the niece?" She asks. We all nod. "So why are you here?" Zoe asks as we all walk to the elevator and press the correct button.

"She's a close friend and Amy's like family" I say. 'And because I love Amber and I know that she's going to blame herself and need someone that can tell her that it's not her fault that this whole thing happened' I say to myself.

The elevator makes a 'ding' sound and we all step out. We walk into the recovery wing and I look for the right room. As I'm walking by one, I see a beaten up and bruised girl lying in bed with another girl sitting at her bedside. Amber and Amy.

I knock on the door quietly but Becky runs in and pulls Amber into a tight hug. It was now that I noticed that she had a brace on her hand. I wonder what happened to her. The rest of us walk in and Jade and Zoe peel Becky off Amber. I stuff my hands in my pockets and look at her.

She looks tired, though I know that if I ask her about it she'll deny it and say that she fine, even though we both know that she's not. Not even in the slightest. "So how are you?" Zoe asks. Amber shrugs. "I've had better days" she admits.

"Everyone's calling the two of you the 'horse thief hero's' Becky says, trying to lighten the mood. "I don't feel like much of a hero" she frowns, looking over at Amy. Jade sits on the arm of the chair and puts her arm around Ambers shoulders. "It's not your fault you know. No one could have predicted this or stopped it" she explains.

Amber puts on a fake smile in an attempt to make her friends feel better. Jade smiles. "That's my girl" she says. "Oh. We brought you this" Zoe says, handing Amber her bag. She smiles. "Thanks guys" she says, a real, but small smile on her face.

"Sorry but now that I'm allowed back at the stables, I have a lesson" Zoe says sheepishly. "And those two are going to want to watch" she adds, gesturing to Jade and Zoe.

Amber nods, understanding. "It's alright. Go have fun" she smiles. "Thanks. We'll come visit tonight though" Jade says before leading her friends out past me, leaving just Amber and I to talk. As soon as the girls leave her smile drops and she slumps down in the chair.

"It's my fault you know" she says. I shake my head. "How could it possibly be your fault. You can't stop a car accident" I say. She huffs and looks up at me. "I know, but, it's just, if I hadn't gone with the girls that night, I would have gone to Amy's work to see what's up, or I could have tracked her phone, or I could have done SOMETHING" she exclaims.

I give her a sad look. "Amber. These things happen, and no one knows why, and they can suck, but they do, and you can't change fate. I wish we could, but we simply can't" I say as soothingly as possible. "We're young. We need to go and have fun like normal people" I add.

She looks up at me and smiles slightly before standing up and pulling me into a tight hug, her arms wrapping tightly around my body and leaning her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her waist and place my chin on her head. I hate that she has to go through this. It honestly breaks my heart to see her in this way. This broken. This sad.

"What happened to your wrist?" I ask, still hugging her. "I punched one of the guys that was trying to steal Raven. It didn't work so well for me but he was definitely hurt" she says. I chuckle lightly. "Only you would hurt yourself punching someone" I chuckle lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

She pulls away and gives me a look. "Hey. Lots of people hurt themselves punching something. Punching is a very difficult thing to do. There are 27 bones in your hand you know" she defends, smirking at me.

"Only you would turn punching someone into a science lesson" I smirk. "It's not science. It's common sense" she says, her smirk growing. "Something clearly you don't have" she says playfully, poking my chest with her good hand.

"Oh. Is that a challenge?" I ask, smirking down at her, as I am almost a foot taller than her. She backs away. "Not really. I'm too tired to honestly do anything right now" she admits, opening her bag and looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" I ask. "My phone charger. I thought that I had packed it" she says. "I can go get it for you if you want" I suggest. "Really?" She asks. I nod. "Do you want your laptop too? I can get that" I suggest. A big smile grows on her face. "And my laptop charger too please" she says, handing me her house key. 

"You're the best Pin" she smiles, pulling me into another hug. "Don't you forget it" I smirk down at her. "I'll be back" I say before pulling away and walking out the door. Phone charger. Laptop. Laptop charger.

Secret POV:
Amy's going to make it. I only skimmed her. I don't know why everyone is making such a big fuss over this. She'll be fine. Amber on the other hand, is another story.

My employer is almost here and when he found out about Amy, he upgraded my pay. Everybody's convinced that it was a drunk driver, and, to be fair, I actually was drinking that night. I actually don't remember too much from that night whatsoever but, oh well. She'll live.

Something else that made me really happy is that Amber blames herself. She was out with those girls trying to save that stupid horse while I was activating my plan. It was almost too easy.

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