Amazing/Dumbest Thing

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Katara's POV

All I saw was a black figure jumped in front of me right in the pathway of the lightning. Before I could do anything, they were struck right in the center of their chest.

Someone just died for me!

That was all I think of before I saw lightning shoot towards the sky. They landed hard on the floor shaking. I dropped my shield and ran towards them.

It was Zuko.

Without thinking I ripped his shirt open and bended water from the air to heal him. Even if it wouldn't completely heal him but if I didn't then he might really die. I knew it was working as I ran my hands over his chest making sure I wouldn't miss anything.

I saw his eyes open and I let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding.

"Thank you, Katara." It was basically a whisper but I still heard it. He passed out and it was then I noticed I was crying.


"What do you mean you want to go see him?" Jet was asking as I left my room. I stopped in the middle of the hall and looked him dead in the eye.

"He saved my life. There was no way my water shield would have worked and without him, I could be dead. I would think you would have been thankful for that." I said in a hard voice. This just made him angrier. He gripped my arms, squeezing too tight, and pulled me against his chest.

"You are not going and that is final." Jet ordered me.

Oh hell no.

I did the first thing that came to mind. I kneed him in the nuts.

"You do not tell me what to do and you will not touch me again. We are finished." I told him. After that, I stepped over him and headed to the infirmary. 

I wanted to see Zuko.


Knock . . . just knock. Why am I not knocking? Do I even remember how to knock?

Oh, you're being stupid. I finally knocked and opened the door before I could chicken out. I saw Azula leaning against the wall and Zuko sitting on the bed. Clenching the doorknob I stared at Azula. I turned to Zuko and tried to calm down.

"I wanted to see how you were doing but it looks like you're busy." I said in as calm a voice as I could manage.

"Don't worry about me. I was just leaving." Azula said with her smirk.

She 'accidentally' nudged my shoulder on the way out before slamming the door. I took a deep breath and focused on Zuko. He was sitting up which is a good sign but his upper body was covered in bandages. Seeing him like this tugged at my heart. He was like this because he was protecting me. 

"You ok Katara?" Zuko asked me when I didn't speak.

"Am I ok? You're the one that got hit by lightning! What were you thinking?" I responded.

"I guess I wasn't thinking. All I know is the lightning was heading towards you and then I was running as fast as I could." Zuko answered. His response shocked me. I moved to his side and sat on the edge of the bed. He stared in my eyes with a softness I hadn't seen before. "I wasn't gonna let her hurt you."

I took his hand in mine and gave him a small smile.

"That was the most amazing/dumbest thing anyone has done for me." I told him. We both laughed softly. Zuko looked down at our hands and intertwined our fingers. He looked back up and I saw my Zuko. A feeling I couldn't describe was running throughout my body and suddenly I felt his lips on mine.

It was a simple kiss but electric (how ironic). We broke apart and looked at each other. He had this spark in his eye and I knew then I would do what I could to see that spark again. 

"Well, it looks like you're healing up just fine." A voice said from behind me.

Seriously? At least I knocked. I jumped up and turned and saw Mai. Her face held such anger that it shocked me. She never showed emotion.

Be real, she just saw you kiss her boyfriend. Even if she didn't see the kiss it was obvious something happened. So I did the only logical thing.

I ran for it.

They kissed!! They got caught!! Oooooh shit!

So sorry it's been awhile. Things happened. Please let me know what you think by hitting that little star.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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