No Point?

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"Oh I'm sorry!" I was so focused on my thoughts I ran into someone. "Are you ok? Wait, is your name Aang?"

Stepping back, I got a better look at this kid. He actually seemed kinda depressed but as soon as he realized who I was he appeared aggravated but that was nothing new.

Hm, I think I've seen him with Katara.

He continued to just glare at me, not saying a word. "Uh well, again I'm sorry Aang. It is Aang right?" Hoping to start getting on his good side. Though it seems as if I'm gonna have to work to change his mind about me instead.

"Yes, it is." He finally said after glaring at me a little longer. "And you are the hotheaded firebender that feels like he can do whatever he wants and every girl in the school wants you. Can I help you with anything?"

"Well, I'm not sure about the other two but I am a firebender." I sounded so stupid even to myself so I wasn't surprised when Aang rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?!" He replied a little more forcefully. 

"What is your problem, kid? I said sorry, stopped to make sure you were ok and you start insulting me." I said, getting annoyed.

"Who are you to call me a kid. You're just a teenager. I don't owe you any respect though you probably just expect it because of your father's title." He fired back. Now was not the time to bring up my father.

"All of this had nothing to do with my father's job. It was solely based on common decency." I defended myself.

"Oh, like you would know anything about common decency. You're just another rich jerk who believes he can have whatever he wants." Aang insulted me again.

"Obviously, I caught you at a bad time. I'm gonna leave before either one of us does or says something we regret." I said. This kid is really pushing it. I know I've seen him with Katara and even though I don't know where we stand, I know I want more. That won't happen if I piss off all of her friends.


I can't believe I'm actually here.

As I walked around the library. Whenever I had a project or essay I would just work from my dorm but I needed to getaway. Azula was more than likely already done with this paper for our history class and I didn't need her looking over my shoulder making comments that I'll fail. 

And does she help me? No.

I ventured into the library-getting looks along the way. I had went straight to the desks in the back where fewer people were. Even so, when I sat down those who looked up grabbed their books and left. Well I did want quiet. All that I could hear was my typing on the laptop.

"Um, hey Zuko." A voice said. I looked up and my hands froze in the middle of a sentence."Hey Katara!" I sounded a little too excited and had to remind myself to breathe. She could sense my nerves because she smiled that adorable smile and sat down looking a bit more at ease. 

"You working on a paper?" Katara asked. Is she really starting with the small talk? Cute. All it did was make me smile and I noticed her look of shock.

"It's going terrible so maybe we should talk about something else." I said.

"Like what?" She asked a small blush crept on her cheeks and, if possible, she looked even more adorable.

"I was hoping we could talk about us. At least I was hoping there is an us." I said and I think we were both surprised. "Your best friends did see us making out in a supply closet." 

"Yeah was not expecting that." Katara said.

"What did they think?" I asked, sounding nervous again. Since I seemed to be on Aang's bad side, I would have no chance if her girl-friends hated me too.

"I was not expecting their reaction either." Katara said.

"Which was?" I prompted her because she still hadn't said anything.

"Well, they didn't love it, except for Toph." She began. Thank you, Toph! "Although they are willing to give you a shot." Score! "But we are skipping over one major factor, or I guess two."

"Uh, your brother and Aang?" I asked. I didn't have much luck so far.

"Actually, I was thinking about your sister and father." Katara corrected. At this, I felt all the air leave my body.

"Yeah it would easier making your brother like me and I know he hates me. My father has a clear idea of my future and never changes his mind. Then with Azula, well, she simply lives to make my life miserable and follow my father's orders. As long as I can remember, I simply followed along because it was easier than fighting." I explained. It was moments like this I wish I could just follow my own path, regardless of my father's plans for me. I lifted my arm and touched my scar before I could stop myself. "Because that never works out as I hope." Katara looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, obviously confused but hurt.

"So what you're saying is that there is no point in moving forward. If your father says no then we can't date?" Katara asked. She looked so broken that I reached out and held her. Everything I said sounded like a man that has given up and we haven't even begun. Somehow I needed to assure her that I wanted nothing more than to have her in my life. Not just because of her beauty but of the way I feel when I'm around her. It's like nothing I have ever had.

"No matter what my family thinks or wants I will do everything possible just to be with you." 


Thank you everyone for sticking with me and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Please let me know what you think by hitting that star and/or leaving a comment.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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