Not an Electric Sign

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Katara's POV

I am dating Zuko. The jackass "Prince" of the school that many people can't tolerate. That is the guy I now call my boyfriend. 

I must be crazy. This is the first time he's going to join us at our lunch table. Even though I'm insanely nervous, I tried not to show that to Zuko. When I asked him to come he basically froze in the middle of the hallway.

"Are you sure about that? It's one thing for your friends to know we're dating but sitting in the dining room together? I think others are going to notice." He said.

"Oh come one. You're just sitting at our table. It's not like we're having an electric sign pointing at us announcing our arrival." I said, but we might as well because I know this won't go unnoticed. We may be an elite fighting academy but we're teenagers. Zuko rolled his eyes and followed me into the dining hall. We grabbed our food which he managed to pay for before I had the chance. 

"Well aren't you the gentleman." I joked as we headed to the table where everyone was already sitting.

"I have my moments." He replied with a chuckle that turned into a gulp once we reached everyone else. His face turned into the stone face he shows everyone. No real emotion, all hidden under the "Prince" persona. I'm going to have to work on that.

"Hey everyone." I said as I sat down next to Sokka and sent a small smile to Aang. I'm not exactly sure how Zuko sitting with us is going to affect him and I don't wanna seem insensitive but hiding it won't do any good either. He simply nodded back but didn't give me his usual smile. "So you guys know Zuko right?" 

He gave a stiff sort of wave before sitting down next to me. As soon as he did I could hear a slight buzz from the rest of the dining hall and felt eyes on us. His back was so rigid it was almost as if he had a stick against his back. It was pretty obvious he was uncomfortable and Yue came to his rescue. 

"Hey Zuko, it's nice to officially meet you. I've only seen you during the torturous dinners our father's drag us to. You'd think they'd take a hint and let us stay home."She said with a smile.

"I wish, that last one was terrible. The tsungi horn player had no clue what he was doing and you could tell his bandmates were getting pissed." He said and relaxed a little until he noticed everyone staring at him. "Uh and I don't really see the point in dragging us along."

"Exactly!" Yue exclaimed. 

"Hey, you have no room to talk." Sokka interrupted. "You're making me go to some dinner with your dad next weekend."

"It's different when I do it." Yue stated. Everyone laughed at that and I felt Zuko chuckle. He wasn't exactly grinning from ear to ear but he had lost the Prince's face. 

"What is he doing here?" An irritated voice said from behind me. We all turn and see Jet standing there staring straight at Zuko.

"He was invited unlike you." I spoke before anyone else had a chance. 

"I came to talk to you and instead I see you sitting next to this asshole-"

"That's rich coming from you." I interrupted Jet and he clenched his fist and glared at Zuko. Zuko just smirked at his obvious annoyance and continued eating his food.

"Nice to see you too Jet. Can't wait for duel swordsmanship." Zuko said. His smirk growing larger as Jet's face seemed to get more red by the second. I better end this.

"I don't want to talk to you and never will. Goodbye." I said. Everyone follows my lead by turning their backs to Jet. Luckily, he took the hint and walked away. The whole dining room was silent and then broke out in conversation. Everyone wants to know what just happened between me and Jet and if it had anything to do with Zuko. That's gonna be a big rumor for a while. Even bigger once the news of us dating gets out.

"So is every meal with you guys going to be this eventful?" Zuko said with a small smile. After a second of surprise, everyone burst out laughing. Even Aang had a little chuckle.

"Oh, spirits I hope not." Suki said.


I really want the group to accept him and even get along. Maybe he should do more activities with us or something without me. If he hung out with Sokka a little more maybe they'd find something in common.

Oh my spirits, I'm trying to set him up on a bro-date. Who's cares? I gotta do something.

"Maybe you and Sokka should hang out sometime." I brought up to Zuko. We were sparring in the gym again. There was a move I just couldn't get and who better to practice on then my (shirtless) boyfriend.

"And do what exactly? I think we should just stick to me eating lunch at your table for now." He said and dodged my jet of water before aiming a spin kick at my feet. We weren't gonna practice with fire because it wasn't the best element to work on in small rooms.

"I think you guys might have more in common than you think." I said, even though I'm not that was true. Zuko gave me a look of disbelief as if knew exactly what was going threw my mind. "At least give it a chance."

I grabbed his wrist and instead of flipping him over, I pulled him in close to me. Putting my hands around his neck, I shot my best polar bear-dog face even if I doubt he's ever seen one since they're from around my village. Apparently it still works.

"I'll . . . try." Zuko said. I knew that was the best I was gonna get so I nodded. Before I knew what was happening, Zuko planted a soft kiss on my lips. It was nice and simple yet it still seemed to send a warm feeling through every part of my body. Not sure if I'll ever get use to that.

Kinda a filler chapter I know and I'm sorry. I wanted to give you guys something and since I'm on Spring Break I'm hoping to get you guys another chapter in the next week. Let me know what you think about Zuko trying to blend in with the group and if it's even gonna work.

I want to thank @JessClaudia18for the stream of votes they gave. I'm really thankful for all you guys still reading so gonna try and give more shout outs in the next chapters to come!

Let me know what you think through comments or even better hitting that little star.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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