Chapter 4: School Part 1

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Jasper POV

Edward was in Alaska and Alice got a vision before school and couldn't stop smiling after that.

The emotions rolling of her was happiness, love and impatience.

I was starting to get more and more curious about this.

I drove my car with Alice in the passenger seat.

I knew she wouldn't answer if I asked her about the vision.

When we got to the school, all of the students were talking about some new students.

I mean, we had just got Isabella Swan and now more new students. Come on

Then four cars we had never seen got in to the parking lot.

Three Ferrari's and one Jeep. They looked really expensive too.

When they turned off, everyone stepped out of the cars at the same time.

That was when I smelt it.

"Mate." I growled, too low for any humans to hear.

For a strange reason it looked like they heard it.

My mate turned around and locked eyes with me.

She had the most crystal blue eyes I had ever seen and her bronze her was laying perfect. It was actually pretty much like Edwards.


She looked at Alice and her eyes widened, I could feel her shock.

Then she turned to one of the blonde guys and asked him why two of the boys were fighting.

He told her and she said something about grabbing her schedule and that they were dorks.

One of the guys told her that they would try and break them up and called her Nix.

Was that her name? Or was it just a nickname.

Halfway to us, Tyler Crowley decided to rip on her ride.

That made Rose growl a little, because she had totally fallen in love with her car.

She shot something back at him and continued to walk towards us.

Suddenly a warm smile appeared on her face when she looked at me and I felt the love falling of her in huge waves.

One second I could swear her eyes were pink.

When she passed us, she bumped into my shoulder and continued to walk.

"I have fallen in love." I told my adoptive siblings.

I didn't notice, the grin on Alice's face or the glare at Rose's.

I couldn't take my eyes of her until she disappeared in the door to the office.

Words: 393

Meeting My Mate  (Jasper Hale Love Story); DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now