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The doorbell rang as I stared at Roxanne in her love-struck state

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The doorbell rang as I stared at Roxanne in her love-struck state. I couldn't help but to think that her fairy tale was exactly that. A fantasy. I didn't want to say anything because she seemed so happy, but I couldn't help but wonder how forever could be possible with a human when we were eternal.

Would she turn him? Or would she go Romeo and Juliet on his ass and commit suicide after he grows old and dies? Either way, there were a lot of questions I wanted to ask. But then My Maker appeared in my peripheral vision, distracting me from my former thoughts. There was a slur in his words as he said, "I'll get it!" and stumbled toward the door, as though he were on a cruise ship in the middle of a harsh storm.

He fell a little to the right, quickly steadied himself, and then swayed to the left. Finally, however, he managed to reach the door. He seemed incredibly impressed with himself when he opened it.

Behind the door stood a stunning brunette in a skimpy nurse costume. Her brown hair was styled in endless curls, that complimented her curvaceous body, and her breasts were almost the size of my head. She was gorgeous. I think it was safe to say that both Roxanne and myself felt a little intimidated by her presence. In time, we both sunk into our chairs and frowned.

"You are exactly what the doctor ordered," said Darien.

"I heard you weren't feeling too well, Mr. Valentine." She held up a stethoscope as she looked at him, her brown eyes streaming with sweet seduction. "I've come to check your vitals and cure your serious case of boredom. Oh, and I hope you don't mind but, because I'm a nurse in training, I brought Dr. Candice along to your house call."

Then, a blonde bombshell appeared, showing herself inside. Much like her friend, she was in costume; only hers involved reading glasses, a white doctor's coat, and a . . . scalpel.

My eyebrows tugged together as I watched the scene play out. I noticed that between the two women, the blonde had more striking features—a stronger jawline and a more athletic build. She was equally beautiful, with sandy blonde locks that cascaded down her oversized breasts, but despite her femininity, she was much more dominant with her movements. She pushed her glasses up her nose and did a once-over on Darien. He seemed to buckle at the knees. His lips separated and he closed his eyes as he mouthed 'thank you' as though his prayers had finally been answered.

Dr. Candice shook her head. "His case does appear quite severe, Carmen. We will need to operate immediately. To the bedroom, stat!"

As quickly as they had entered the room, they left, and I stared unblinkingly in that direction as I tried to wrap my head around whatever I had just witnessed.

"What the hell just happened?" I muttered to Roxanne, glancing back at her. "What were they? Hookers? Strippers? Dominatrices? I'm questioning all right now."

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