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The irony of the situation had me in a frozen state.

Reed appeared to be caught in a similar motion because we just stared at each other, looking like deer in headlights. Somehow, he and I always managed to land ourselves on opposite teams. Before he was a cop and I was an outlaw. Now, he was a hunter and I was a vampire.

The world seemed to blur around his sapphire eyes, which were so full of shock as they blazed into mine. The rest of his expression, however, was unreadable as we stood like ice statues. At least that was until we heard gunfire and then we both unfroze instantly. My eyes darted toward the noise as Reed spun back around. I noticed that Darien had taken Reed's distraction as a chance to escape. He snapped two hunter's necks, and took the other hostage, using the rope that tied his wrists as a choking device.

"Darien, no! Wait!" I yelled.

These people didn't have to be our enemies.

We could coincide. I knew Reed. He saved me once.

He wouldn't hurt me.

With that thought, I rushed past Reed and toward my Maker. I thought that if I managed to get in between the two, I could somehow talk some sense into them, or at the very least we could come to some kind of understanding.

Then I felt something warm grab my arm and jerk me backward. It wasn't until my back was pressed against Reed's firm chest, and I felt the cold barrel of his gun against my temple, that I realised I was his collateral.

I winced at the thought and instinctively started to struggle. I could feel the panic in my face as I looked at my Maker. He stood on the road, faced toward us, with his dark gaze already glued onto mine. Only unlike me, Darien's expression streamed with determination and his eyes were calculative. It was as though he was planning his next move. For a moment, the two were at a standstill. Then my Maker tightened the rope-leash around his victim's neck, causing him to gag.

That's when Reed maneuvered me. His movement was quick, barely giving me a chance to breathe before his muscular arm had me in a headlock. "Let Talon go," he ordered, the cool barrel of his gun still pressed firmly to the side of my head. "Or I'll blow her pretty brains out."

"Really? 'Cause . . . I don't think you'll do that," said Darien. "Not only would you lose your insurance policy," he continued, "but if you shot her, then I wouldn't kill your precious Talon. No. Instead, I would turn him into a vampire and make him my little bitch."

Talon's eyes widened and I felt Reed's heart accelerate against my body. The sound was glorious and beautiful, like a symphony of classical music. Momentarily, my eyes closed over and I enjoyed the rhythm. Now, as my fangs extended, I knew why I had been placed into a headlock. With his strong arm wrapped around me, I was literally unable to move my head, let alone take a snap at him.

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