VII- Looking

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I let a soft sigh as I feel the heat of the sun filtered through my skylight, the light poking me in the eyes. What I saw instantly shocked me, my eyes first not recognizing the brass framed paintings of tulips and the cream coloured ceiling before I remembered it was my room. I prop myself up on my elbows, trying to recall how I got in my bed last night.

I look to my side. Nothing. I let out a breath of relief. Thank the gods I didn't submit myself to the taste of a mortal concoction.

I pick up scenes of the garden and the night sky...and the stairwell with its lights...oh. I feel my cheeks warm up as I recall the warm arms and the gentleness of the mystery man who, I guess must've brought me up here after my tiredness from laughing like a mad man about the joke made by Sir Gale. My ladies would never scoop me up like that, let alone have the mighty strength to climb up the winding stairs to put me in bed by themselves. And with little light to guide their way.

Shaking my hair down, I pull out the couple of pins that I have made lopsided through my turns throughout the night, just in time for my ladies in waiting to prepare me for the day.

As I traced my way down the spacious stairwell, I look for clues to see if anyone could have seen me being carried up by my mystery guy. No luck.

I sigh as I enter the dining hall, my grandma in the middle of eating some oatmeal with raspberries and blueberries with yogurt. An aesthetic breakfast.

"Morning, Deidra. Did you have a good rest last night?"

I nod, surprisingly considering last night's adventure. I smile at Chef Gertrude, asking for the same breakfast as Grandma but with some fruits added in. As I retrieve my dish and sit across from Grandma, I look towards the garden, which basks in the morning dew with a few guards positioned near the outer edges that looks towards the training field.

"Mon cher."

I turn my gaze towards Grandma, who questions my search of the outside. "Is it something to do with last night's festivities?"

I sigh and scoop up a spoonful of oatmeal and yogurt, placing it into my mouth, its tingling sensation waking me up. "Well, I did tell you I went for a stroll last night, and I did. I got too tired by the time I went up the stairwell so I fell but someone caught me and brought me to my room."

"A hero saved you! Who was it? Is it someone working in the castle?"

"Grandma, it was late at night. I was in a state close to falling asleep and it was dim- either way, I didn't see my savior."

"Ah! And if you did? If it's a knight that saved you- oh how they might be extraordinarily handsome."


She gave me a mildly sly look, "Mon Cher, when I was a young girl, I used to have crushes on the palace boys before I met your Grandfather. Avalem breeds pretty people, and the males of the kingdom are certainly a testament to that."

I gently shake my head at her more than wistfully words, "Anyways, I don't know who came and helped me and I want to go and thank them."

It was true, I did want to thank the person who save me from getting a concussion in the middle of the night in semi darkness on the staircase, perfect example to show others, Deidra. And there was no point in half truths to Grandma, who likes to be a bit straightforward with who she talks to when it comes to business, private or not.

"Well I am glad they caught you or else we wouldn't be sitting here at this moment. We would've been in the infirmary with your head being wrapped up! Glad to know that you are the polite lady and thank them for saving your life." She contently serves up another scoop to herself.

I smile in response, eating up my breakfast as well.

When breakfast was over, I head back towards the gardens in hope of bumping into my midnight savior. Grandma teased me on the fact that I am desperate to find him is like a making a move.

Yeah, just what I'm hoping for, Grandma.

She chuckled at my expression and said she is gonna head off to the stables for some horse riding-she is hoping to see her beloved StarLight, a mare with a chocolate mane, and ride her for some old time fun. By now StarLight should have grey streaks in her hair.

Exiting the glass double doors, I inhale the scents of lavender and lily and head towards the center gazebo. Standing in the middle of the wooden, lace designed structure, I spin to see if there's anyone outside right now. Just then, I spotted Robert darting around the orchard, handling a basket of reds and pinks.

"Robert!" I yell, jogging towards him.

He looks at me and smiles, bowing down, "Good morning Your Majesty. How may I serve you?"

"Well, how may I help you? I see you're picking fruits again, and I'm in need of some small help to search for someone, if you may."

He raises a brow, "Oh? And do you have a clue in who to look for?"

I shake my head.

"Forgive for asking, but why do you search for this particular person?"

"Well, they might have saved me last night and I want to thank them but I have no clue on they are. It wasn't you, was it?"

Robert shakes his head, "No, Your Majesty. I was tucked in early last night so I'll rise early to serve you like any other day. As for your mystery savior, perhaps you'll bump into them somewhere in here or along the castle. They must be one of the guards or a servant of the castle or else they couldn't have seen you going up the stairs of the palace."

I consider this information as I try to pick up clues in my mind, reviewing last night's events. Besides being held up by who I'm sure is a man, I remember feeling his arms pressed into my back and legs, textured with pattern and hard of chainmail.

"It must be one of the guards then. I remember feeling chainmail under my hands while going up half asleep." I told him. It wasn't a lie, but I don't really want to share every detail that could mean something else.

"If that's what you say, Your Majesty. Would you like to pick some apples? I remember it's was a childhood favorite of yours." He smiles tightly. His movements are slightly more tight and careful than he would than his usual demeanor being open, optimistic and polite.

It's sweet of him, an attendee who watched me growing up, remembering one of the smaller details of my childhood. He was always so kind whenever Delaney and I would make a mess of the palace kitchen. It was a different time then though. "I would love to, but I'm going have to decline. Perhaps another time. Right now I want to thank my midnight savior, if I find him."

"Of course." He bows. "But before you go, mind I ask if you're feeling better?"

I thought for a second, "Well, I'm in much better shape than in the past weeks so I'm better now, thank you for asking."

He smiles again, seeming to let go of a breath he must've been holding and gives a small nod before turning back to prune the trees. I give a polite curtsy and spin around to go elsewhere in the garden. To retrace my steps from last night.

As I reach the fountain that reflected last night's starry night, it's reflecting the refreshing mint blue of the summer sky.

I circle around the fountain, staring at it's pristine white tiling and the mosaics of swans and lilies. I look up, spying a group of ravens flying west. I turn my head to my surroundings, seeing nothing by flowers and greens. I sigh.

"Your Highness."

I look back.

A man of brown hair clad in armor with a maroon cape appeared from the hedges. I recognize the chainmail mesh. He is the only one to wear armor with that many layers, considering his position.

I connect with his grey-flecked sky eyes.

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