XII- Magic in the Air

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Sighing a warming breath worthy enough to stretch smiles across my teeth, I walk towards the dining hall for the drink I forgot earlier. The one before Trevor announces, again hopefully, that he will stay here in my realm indefinitely, retiring from traveling across nations and wonder, in a more...mysterious way of saying it I suppose.

Oh gosh if he actually meant the way I thought of it...

Knights give a slight bow, and I return them, as they open the door that leads to the kitchen, the same one that I stormed out of a bare half-hour ago. As the air swooshes in and out, pulling at my blue-lilac dress as I scatter to see my Grandma reading another book of hers, waiting and humming to herself nearby.

Swiping a glass of iced juice and thanking Gertrude, I slowly way further from her as I near the edge of the dining hall-

"So- " She closes her book enthusiastically, "-what happened between you and Trevor back there, mon cher? Any-" She coughs. I can practically hear the smile in her words.

I spin around to face her rising a sly brow, facing off against my sarcastic mask. At least I know where I got my brazened attitude from. "Okay, this is gonna sound like I'm a thirteen year old Grandma, but you literally are like a sixteen year old who still has the need to try to pry gossip from others."

She scoffs, "So? I'm family. At least I'm not your mother. She would be giggling like madness and trying to be like your age again to 'help'. Trust me when I observe this when raising her.

Chuckling I answer, "Fine fine. And Grandma, nothing was about to happen-"

"Pah! Lies, lies! I can see it all, Deidra. You two were sizzling with such passion that I'm sure will fly toward your future together and build up your magic!" She hops in her seat, the book settling at the chair besides her.

I squint at the word. "Future?! Magic?" I splutter. Treading towards her, I murmur softly. "What does my feelings have to do with my magic?"

Her eyes dimmed before returning to their normal light, "Wait, oh wait. You don't- never mind." She sighs. "Let's go to the throne room, my dear. This is a more personal matter, remember that."

We both walk out and into the throne room. Once we are by the seats closest to the throne, she resumes, "As you are aware, magic exists. For a time long ago, it was a rare gift to be bestowed upon known and unknown leaders. It used to be a symbol of power. Now days, it's more widespread, it's main purpose is to nurture and harness magic to help grow and continue the cycle of magical life. We can't disrupt the natural timeline or our lifeline, but we can manipulate the nature around us and do whatever it is you need.

"Magic can be embedded in many species. Elementals, fairies, creatures of myths and many more to come. In terms of us, our magic...is tied to our emotions." She takes my hands and rubs circles onto my knuckles. I replay her words in my brain as it's processed to make the most sense to what I know.

"Grandma, you've seen, what I am able to do so far. But...how is our family able to control such powers if it's tied to our emotions? When will they connect? Isn't it too....potent? Too wild to control?"

"Slow down Deidra! I told you, one at a time. But for now to answer some of your many questions, our magic will appear depending on our experience. For you it's been about five months after your coronation, and I'm guessing your magic is only starting to surface and stabilizing now because of that Trevor boy. I hear he has travelled to places beyond the Adrian Sea?"

I blink.

She give a deep sigh, "I guess I'll leave that bit of information to you, for whatever purpose you want to use it for next. As I was saying, our magic is tied to our emotions. Or at least I'm guessing yours will. Our family has been given the power to manipulate the natural world for generations, but there are cases such as you and me, that has a stronger connection to our magic. Our emotions will boost our powers, and can give us greater control and expansion of them. But of course, there is the darkness-"

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