Report 5

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Dr. (Y/N)

Lab Report 53: week 35 year 2

It spoke to me! I was in shock for an extremely long time trying to process what had occurred. I spend very long periods of time in complete science underground so even minor noises are a shock to me. But this is a major breakthrough with my rapidly growing monstrosity. I am currently keeping it in a very large sterilized bucket. The mass is about the size of a adult male human and if it grows any larger I am not sure what I am going to do with it then.

The creature itself is red in color with fully formed eyes now. I can see signs on it of forming limbs such as hands and feet. It has been steadily pulsing witch may indicate that it is breathing and may have a heart with some sort of lungs. 

Now what the creature said to me was hard to understand but I believe that it told me to "come closer" when I was examining it. I am almost moved by this request but I do not know what it's true intentions may have been so I decided against getting my skin close to the mass. I have decided to code name it Viral-1 from now on so that I can properly record its development from now on.

All other projects are now on hold including the homunculi. The mass has been absorbing nutrients I offer it so my main focus as of now is analyzing Viral-1.

Reports will continue as usual.

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