Chapter 9

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                                                                         First person- (Y/N) point of view

The week had been hectic after the car crash. Thrax stole us a new car because he doesn't have finger prints and no one will know what to make of him in surveillance footage. The car is a red Jeep but doesn't have license plates and cops will know it when they see it so Thrax decided to make some "adjustments" to the exterior of it. He spray painted(stolen btw) it to have yellow and red flames with a sharp toothed monster face on the front. He did pretty good on it I'm sorta jealous of his artist ability. After painting he added some of signature claw marks along the sides. He located a "old" car and stole its license plates for ours. I really think he found them on a newer legal car but I'm just gonna ignore it this time. Now we are on the road again and the police are certainly looking for us now. I have also purchased a better disguise for Thrax despite him claiming that he could have just stolen one. This outfit is a large trench coat over a red t-shirt and black pants with military boots. To cover his beautiful ugly mug we got him a black addisu roll cap that hides his strange hair and a large black scarf for his face. I just wear my normal clothes but I cut my hair and (wear/not wear) glasses. These changes are small but might keep the fuzz from recognizing me. 

We have continued staying off major roads and haven't entered any towns during the day. We go into town during the night to steal or buy things before immediately leaving. I have also now realized that getting out of the country may be extremely difficult for us with me being a very big suspect for murder. Suddenly leaving following a neighbor being killed doesn't look very good, and I might be suspected for Thrax's other crimes. On top of these things but Thrax is a monster and an unregistered citizen so he won't be able to board a plane. These aren't our only complications but are currently our largest so the concern right now. Our best hope would be leaving by unregistered boat and find a good place to sail to. 

I am so tired now though. All of this is taking a major toll on my mental and physical stability. I go from anxiety and worry about our situation, where Thrax is going, am I going to get caught, followed by where are We going next, and finally I worry about Thrax bringing up our car crash incident. All this worry has given me a permanent headache and I've become even more desperate for Thrax's attention. I know I shouldn't want him, his touch, or his looming cloud of trouble but everything about him is sooo alluring. Maybe he was right about me loving danger, or maybe I just hate myself. Either way I think I love him, maybe it's not true or pure love but there's something there that even my mind of science can't explain. I know I'll figure it out eventually but for now I need to rest.

Undesired Results - Thrax x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora